
Do you wonder now why we even have zodiac signs?

by Guest62706  |  earlier

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I find them interesting as a tool to find out more about myself & others but how do they interest you?




  1. Actually, I use them for fun.

    I don't understand how your birthmonth can figure out what your personality is. If you were born as a scorpio,  but you are the exact opposite, what does that prove?

  2. I agree with Rach - I use it to learn more about myself/others.

    I don't know why we have them, but I am thankful we do =)

    Chain: If everyone stopped believing in God, would that make the Bible just a story? It was written about real people, but would they too be less real then? And what about god himself?

    Zeus and Isis are now not worshiped but, would that have staved the Greeks and Egyptians who prayed to them? Would they have abandoned their belief and converted to a longer lasting religion?

    The Egyptian Book of the dead is no longer the priceless "Guide" it once was.  It's sitting in a museum, behind a glass case and of no more use to the ancient Egyptians than Mount Olympus is now to the Greeks. Neither are the temples, the idols, the sacrifices and tributes made to every God and Goddess that have been lost in time. The reason no one believes now is because the Empires fell, and with them their beliefs.

    What if Christianity fell? Now it is much less likely that a Religion would fall such as them. But, if somehow the Bible wounded up in a Glass case, collecting dust in some museum, would you convert to a longer lasting religion yourself?

    It's the people who have been lost in time, therefore their Gods are, too.

  3. no idea..

  4. Though there is no evidence of any kind, the belief still make a lot of money. Belief is often more powerful than truth. Like when people stop believing some gods such as Zeus or Isis. These gods and others like them,  were all powerful to millions at one time or another. Don't believe and now they are non-existent.

    Edit: My point is the power of belief, not to argue Judo-Christian mythology. That is for a different section. Astrology is part of magical thinking. Since there is no evidence other than anecdotal, it remains strictly a belief. An Emperor with no clothes. See things not as they are but how you want them to be. The problem is that a lot of people will choose to believe something that is false rather than nothing at all.

    Also seem to me that a lot of top contributors ask some real pointless and silly questions. If they are serious why don't they get serious? Don't they have any doubts about astrology in the back of the head? Do they ever consider that there maybe simpler and more likely alternatives? Is it always astrology first, logic and reason last?

  5. Same here.

  6. Yes, I agree. I use the entire chart as a tool to discover more about myself and others. I don't let it rule my life, though. I still take each experience as it comes.

  7. i find alot truth in them about myself. plus it WAS fun for a while.

  8. Read your Bible, and you will find the answers there.  God gave us the stars the......check it out.

    Edit.  I was not being anti-astrology.  Only trying to show that there are many references in the Bible to those "wise" enough to learn the meaning of his heavenly signs.

    "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide

    the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for

    days, and years:"

    - Genesis 1:14 in King James Version of The Bible

    And there are 12 houses, twelve apostles, 12 tribes of Israel that all had astrological references, etc..  My mansion has many rooms, etc.

    Nostradmus had much to say on the subject as well..

  9. I think it's nice to have a chart that was specially made just for me.  And nice to know that no one else has it.  It's interesting to see what other people have, and how it compares to mine.  LOL it's nice to belong to a group for no other reason than the fact I was born at a certain time, and it's my birthright.  

    But really, it's just for fun. And it's something interesting to do.

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