
Do you wonder where your money really goes when you donate to charity?

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Do you wonder where your money really goes when you donate to charity?




  1. Yes. Thats why I stopped giving to the Humane Society and started giving locally.  They kept sending me T-shirts, blankets, totes, mailing labels etc., and I just got sick of them wasting money.  Would have been much better if I just got a newsletter once in a while instead of wasting all that money on stuff rather than helping out more animals.

  2. No I give to St Judes Childrens Hospital and I trust them to spend it on children whose parents cant afford medical care.

  3. Yeah. There's a ratings service that rates charities based on how effectively they use their money. Sorry I can't remember exactly what it's called.

  4. Yes!  I'd rather donate my time than money, at least I know where that is going.

    There are some websites that help evaluate the efficiency of charities:

  5. Only when it comes to some of them, big names like St Jude..I don't question.

  6. yeah i do like the breast cancer reasearch they have the drugs but you have to go to court to get the drugs i think its rediculess because we donate so much for them to save lives and they dont wanna give the drugs

  7. Give it to . It will reach the poor people only.

  8. For any charity that I donate to, I research how the money they recieve is spent. For instance I dont think it is possible to have 100% of donated money to go straight to the people or animals in need the charity program will need some money for fundraising and paying their management (even its its non-profit they have to pay their employees who work there).

    For the two charities I donate too- each one has included a pie-chart that illustrates how much (on a % base) money goes towards fundraising, expenses, and the actual people or animals in need.

    Dont give money to any organization without knowledge of where your money goes. There are alot of scams out there feeding off of good people like you.

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