
Do you work 3rd shift and nobody understands that you have to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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Because they're on the day shift. Do they call you in the middle of the day (right in the middle of your sleep time)? Or ask you to do things in the evening when you should be at work? I'm thinking about calling these people up at 3 am, and then act shocked that they're




  1. RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAve been there and I think they have No clue or just don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALLTHEM!!! let them see it from your side of the workers world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I understand your feelings. I used to work that shift, and I would sometimes get home at 5:00 in the morning.  Then, I had to get my kids up for school at 7:00 because my husband was not home due to his job.  I had to put up with a lot of inconsiderate people who just thought everyone should be awake during the day. If you were sleeping after 8:00 a.m., you must be lazy.  On top of that, if I wanted to sleep with my windows open on nice days, there were lawn mower noises (which I can't exactly blame anyone for), barking dogs, and construction sounds.  My friends and family understood and were very thoughtful and caring, but a lot of other people just couldn't get it through their head that some people had different schedules than them.  It can be hard and frustrating to have to miss some of your kids' school functions, sporting events, and other activities because of your hours, too. I had to leave for work at around 7:15 p.m. I hated not being with my kids in the evenings.  So, I am very sympathetic to your plight. I would definitely be tempted to call some of those people up at 3 in the morning. Maybe, then, they would start to understand what it's like for you.  ; p

  3. I have worked nights for 5 years with a start time of 1700hrs and work till 0900 hrs. I have found that the "normal world" does not seem to remember that 100 million people work the evening or night tours. Had the same issue with family at the start of my travels into being night hawk. I basically repaid the favor on a day that they had to wake up early. But kept it real quick and simple so they got the idea the next day. Never worked the first time, but the second time it got the point across. Also purchased a pager for emergencies only. The cell phone ringer got turned off and if truly needed I was available by the pager 24/7

  4. lol, happens to me all the time. my brother still doesn't get it. he will call me at like 11am (when i just fell asleep like 3 or so hours ago) and i will be like "im sleeping" and he says "what the heck are you still sleeping for?!?!" then i hang up, and take the phone off the hook.

  5. Take the phone off the hook then you won't have a problem and as for your mobile phone, switch it off. Happy sleeping.

  6. I'm with you!! Lets make a pact to do that and then share the reactions for a great laugh!

    The worst offenders would have to be my husband and my colleagues who work during the day!

    Hubby is just an a$$, and finds it amusing to organise meetings and errands during the day when the kids are at school and I should be sleeping.

    My colleagues are just plain docile..and I swear if I get one more phonecall while I am sleeping to ask me how to reset the printer, I am going to personally go down there and start some serious nipple twisting! (Especially since ALL the instructions are on a laminated sheet taped to the wall directly above each and every piece of office equipment for this exact reason!!)

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