
Do you work? Do you feel discriminated against because of this?

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The government is planning on spending £100million of taxpayers money to give free laptops to families on benefits. They are also planning on giving out vouchers for free electricity to people on benefits. These are just 2 examples. I work but earn a low income + have no children. This winter I won't be able to put my heaters on, same as for the past 3 years in a row. I'm starting to feel increasingly discriminated against because I get nothing for free, just hand over hundreds of £s of my hard earned cash each month so others can get things for free. Is there a law that's being broken here, eg that I'm being discriminated against because I work? Just interested...




  1. If you are on a low income you may be able to get working tax credit. To all of those answers which I feel are coming about 'scroungers' I would ask do you use the NHS, state schools etc? they are all funded from taxes. If people are unfortunate enough to be out of work why should they not receive help in the same way that people who are ill receive help. Remember anyone can lose their job.

    PS Hadn't heard about the laptops and electricity vouchers

  2. This is Gordon Brown and his cretinous pack at their best!first it was political 'bribes to the ethnic minorities!Now laptops to families on benefits!Isn't it about time he gave something back to the worker?

    We are up to Gordon Brown and his political tricks!What ever he does!He is finished in top line politics!

  3. Bribes for votes.

    What Prudence doesn't yet understand is that they still won't bother to vote, bribe or not.

    Yep! definitely discriminated against and pretty pissed off.

  4. I feel just like you do. I am sick of paying taxes to keep the scroungers. It's about time us workers united, but I really don't know what we can do to stop this.  

  5. no, this is not a case of discrimination. what i would do if i were you would be to see if you fall into the low income bracket that would allow you to get these benefits as well.

  6. It's not legally discrimination but it is the world we live in.  There are those in power who profit from keeping government-sanctioned bums dependant.  A lot of them are in this place called San Francisco.

  7. I feel exactly the same.  I have a full time job AND also have my own business - bringing in plenty of money to the Government as a tax payer.  I have always worked hard - in years gone by I have worked 7 days a week - a full time job and a weekend job to pay my mortgage and bills.  And yet, when I look back at all the times I have struggled I think to myself what a fool I was and still am.  I don't have children, I have never claimed a single penny from the State and yet, I seem to be being bled dry in taxes and NI contributions.  Why the h**l should I pay for laptops, childrens' bonds, cars etc for people on benefits that can't be bothered to work.  I am all for benefits being given to those in geniune need but if you can sit on a computer all day, you can get an office job.  People on benefits that are capable should MADE to do some kind of voluntary work to put something back into society.

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