
Do you work at a fast food place, whats the sickest thing?

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If you have ever worked at a fast food place, what is the sickest thing you have ever done to someones food you dident like?




  1. seeing all the nasty things behind the counter

  2. Seeing all the fat people come in and eat it.

  3. I have served and cooked in restaurants all my life and the worst one I ever heard was this one woman who would come into the Country Club every weekend and order the same steak. She was always horrible to the staff and when they saw her come in the door, they would take her steak and wipe around the edge of the trash can with it.

  4. Nothing that's mean to do just becaus eyou don't like him, not to mention, do you really want to get fired??

  5. i put a dust bunny in teh sauce... JK im 12

  6. i d k im a model and i seriously dont wanna know what they put in it and thats why i dont eat it

  7. I had to comment on this one.  I have never worked in fast food, but one of my cousins actually got food poisoning from an Olive Garden--she had extra soup left over--when she took it to the doctors to have it tested for ecoli, etc, they found 3 different types of DNA in the soup (s***n)

  8. when i worked at mcdonalds my boss told me to put half cooked meat on a sandwich.  i mean you can actually could see pink inside.  that is so nasty

  9. i worked in a BK and the groses thing i ever don was pissed a litttle in someones lemonade cuz they made fun of my mexican axsent

  10. I knew a guy who teabagged someone's ice cream cake

  11. Well if you consider Subway fast food then if the customer is being rude I usually put like a heck of a lot of dressing (ex. mayo, ranch...) because trust me, too much dressing makes a sandwhich disgusting.

  12. I had friends who worked at Richard's, and when a costumer was rude to the waiter or waitress, the cooks would take their food (steak, hamburger patty, etc) and throw it on the ground. They would play a game of hockey with it on the floor, and the goal was underneath a low table thing where nobody ever cleaned, so the floor under it was covered in dirt and dust bunnies. Then they would pick it up when they were done and serve it.

  13. I work at maccas, and it is a career for some people (not me though but still we can't rule out bogans who need a job...)

    Anyways the sikest thing i hav come across (not actually done) is a piece of mouse chewed bread with poo in it.. the store through that particular bun out but still used the rest in that pack.. YUK!!! also when we close we have to clean the fries station, wher we scoop the fries into their boxes... and underneith that is all this oil and fat and old chips it is sooo discussting if customers saw it they would never buy fries again - i dont eat maccas fries anymore

  14. ah, man. i've got that throw-up taste in my mouth after reading all of this....*huddles in a corner*

  15. i work in mcdonalds the sickest thing is cleaning the back of the grills

  16. thats really gross you know REALLY sick and immature your supposed to be professional EVEN if its at a fast food place

  17. I saw some friends drop fried chicken on the floor and pick it up and place it in a customers bucket.

    Worked in a fancy restaurant in my teens and saw many of the male workers use the bathroom without washing their hands!

    Know a guy that worked at a doughnut shop and said that they had no toilet paper in restroom so they would just wipe with their hands! (Imagine the chocolate frosted ones)

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