
Do you work in logging or minning or ****?

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ok this is going to sound weird but im in england doing an oral peice of coursework about deforestation of the malaysian rainforest. have you ever witnessed anything to do with deforestion that i can add to me speech seeing as your there?




  1. Oh, the horror of it all, You can probably hear the trees barking and screaming from here., They are begging for mercy even as we slash and burn and kill worms.

  2. I pretty much hate trees but you can put in your speech how if we did not kill these trees, their would be nothing to wipe our butts with because toilet paper is made from trees.

  3. You can add that after mine sites have extracted the ore, they restore the land to as it was before they started mining.

  4. mine site rehabilitation is great in theory but not in practise in Northern Ontario I can drive 30 minutes either way and take you to a abandoned mine sites from 100 years ago to 20 years ago if the company goes bankrupt after they take the ore who is left to clean things up no company money up to the tax payers.Clear cutting in Northern Ontario sure the first few months it looks like HE## give the dormant trees,shrubs ,grasses and other plants time and eventually you have a thriving meadow were mature trees stood ,it is a change of Eco systems nature will adapt and in a vigorously growing clear cut you have more animals in there than in a mature forest as the food source is more diverse

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