
Do you worry about global warming?

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I was wondering if you cared about the world. i do but not enough to Change my life style until i can look outside and not see a tree. so do you care enough to change your life style?




  1. When are we going to burn up?  The temps have risen at least .01 degree in the last 100 years.  At this rate we should be dust in about, oh I don't know, 1,000,000 years...

    The weather men can't predict the weather for the weekend, how do they and Algore predict Global Warming?

    You Global Warming Extrimists should be ashamed of yourselves scaring the poor niave souls out there, while all the while laughing your way to the bank..

    GROW UP OUT THERE...This new Climate Change crowd was warning about Global Cooling 30 years ago...this is just another ploy to control the masses.

    I don't see Algore cutting down on his Carbon Footprints.  

  2. NO !!! it is a scam propigated by Gore and even he does not believe.  

  3. I think it is maybe a matter of changing your perspective on things.  While it may be difficult to grasp how global warming effects anything within your life, there are other topics associated with warming.  For example, Renewable energy affects not only global warming but also the air we breath.  It is a tangible topic.  I hope that helps.

  4. its not about lifestyle its about money really.

    pay more for healthier  food

    pay more for cleaner transport

    pay more for safer energy

    pay less for bullshit tv

    easy choice

  5. Uh ya cuz now here in Texas it can be up to 114 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  6. h**l no, I am trying to make my carbon footprint bigger, kinda like a status symbol

  7. Yes

    I am going to change my family life style to be environmental friend .

  8. You have no kids and live with your mum. Just a guess. One day you will worry about someone else.

  9. Nope.

  10. i worry about global warming just as much as i fear the grudge coming and killing me they were both fear tactics for money plain and simple if the earth doesnt want us here or doesnt like what were doing itll kill us off it can do it atleast enough people to stop anything were doing so no im not worried

  11. with out a venue of readdily accessable affordable alternatives even the individual is bared from making any considerable change.

  12. I care deeply about the environment.

  13. I DO actually care about global warming. It's a fact that global warming is a natural process; however, the rate at which it is going now is NOT natural. I worry that the future generations will suffer most than we do now and it's simply not fair to them. =/

    Currently, I'm the only one in my family who really gives a care about the environment. -_-' It's difficult to do it alone because every time I try to reduce my energy usage, my family members would crank up theirs and it's so futile. x(

    I'm still young so I can't do much. I don't drive and not planning to any time soon. If I do drive in the future, I'll buy a hybrid or one of those zero emission vehicles they have in CA. ^_^ I use as less electricity as I possibly can and I walk every where that's within close distance. I unplug electrical appliances at night, too. I also reduced my water usage for months now, after we did a water usage survey in class. ^_^

    I don't go out much so there's really not much else I can change about my daily routine that would save the environment. ^_^  

  14. ya

  15. Wow that's sad! If you look outside and don't see a tree then whats the use of trying - just hit the snooze and go back to bed.

    I'm more worried about the people with attitudes like yours.

    When there are no more trees and you come to my door asking for water I will give it to you but not without a long lecture about how you wasted yours!

    Wake up dude!

  16. I'm not worried about global warming.  I will not busy myself writing checks to the various "carbon credit" banks that are bound to spring up.  I will conserve electricity because it saves me money, but I will not be or feel the least bit guilty for turning on the A/C or heat when I want to, or cooking food or reading by electric light.  

    I do care about the environment, but global warming is false.  It is a non-issue designed to keep us all busy, busy, busy, with worry, worry, worry.

    Remember, don't have too many children, they cause global warming.  Yeah, what is this Communist China?  Soylent Green?  Oh, I get it, all that running around kids do because they are naturally energetic burns up a lot of oxygen, and they put more CO2 into the air because of all the breathing.  

    Hey kids, stop all that breathing and activity!  Or We'll have to put you on Ritalin and turn you into compliant zombies.  

    The worst part of this is, when AGW is disproven for the lies and falsehoods that it is, we'll have to endure another, perhaps harder to discern, scare.  "But if we want to pay so and so a "air and guilt tax, it will all go away."  

  17. I'll never change my lifestyle. I will always drive a big car (not those junk smart cars or Hybrids, which are a scam), use gas, eat meat, and use as much electricity as I want. I am not letting the gov't tell me what to do every day, and what to drive. The government is getting to involved in people's lives.... just like the communists in Russia back in those days.

    Liberals are ruining this country, and I REFUSE to believe in their lies. I am not letting them brain wash me.  

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