
Do you worry about the safety and environmental impact of your cleaning and personal care products?

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Do you worry about the safety and environmental impact of your cleaning and personal care products?




  1. U uh. No

  2. No.

  3. absolutely. how about fish that that have mutated because there's too many birth control chemicals in the water? it only takes parts per million of chemicals to affect wildlife.

    a drop compared to the oceans? that thinking is exactly what got us into this predicament in the first place! Just think about what goes into things like

    bleach, detergent

    fabric softener

    easy clean carpets

    just about everything plastic or designed to be 'easy'.

    there's no such thing as a free lunch. if it's easier, i bet some chemicals were used to make it that way. Would you ingest those chemicals straight? i don't think so.  

  4. Yes, I am.  We have a well, and a septic system.  We have two creeks, and one pond on our farm.  The creeks have salmon in them.  We are only 4 miles from the ocean.

    We do not want to dump a lot of toxic ick down our sinks, toilets, shower/tub, and clothes/dishes wash machines.  Every bit of toxic whatever we pour down the drain stays on our farm, where we grow our food, and where we live.

    It's one of the reasons I'm mad as he!! at Arm & Hammer baking soda.  They switched from completely recycleable, and renewable cardboard boxes, to selling baking soda in plastic bags.  How exactly am I supose to compose a plastic bag?  That will only be around a million or so years!


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  5. I can't say I worry - that's a little strong. But I am trying to green my cleaning, if not for the environment at large then simply for my personal habitat.  I have asthma and skin allergies so the natural stuff helps me live healthier and more comfortably.  

    For exfoliation I use a scrub of brown sugar, lemon juice, and oatmeal.

    Use a little vinegar instead of fabric softener - doesn't coat the fabric fibers so clothes last longer.

  6. Nope


    Why cause our house hold cleaning products are only a drop of water in the oceans of the world


    And what is one drop going to do in saving the planet when corporate World is dumping a swimming pool of trash in the water or on the land every hour of every day


    Look at China's pollution problem


    Because of corporate world wanting cheap merchandise to sell


  7. You better add to the list of safety and environ impact that it must not be tested on animals.  I think I will rehibernate and go live in the Dwarfie Stane of Hoy as a hermit (drats tourists, I wonder if tourist are edible).

  8. My answer is YES...I sure DO worry...and I re-use and recycle as much as possible.  To my's our use of plastics that is massively unkind to the planet.  My biggest weakness is using bleach for cleaning;  it's hard to give it up for baking soda and vinegar!  

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