
Do you worry about the sanity of Al Gore and his band of junk-scientists?

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It's a fact...the scientists who support global warming are weak, corrupted, often unemployed and can be bought for $$money. Their aim is more about politics than science, which they don't seem to know much about. Do you worry that they're deliberately misleading us?




  1. HAHAHAHAH. Nope.

  2. Global warming deniers do not get government grants.  Al Gore lives in a twenty room plus eight bath mansion in Nashville, Tennessee.  He also has two other homes.  In the seventies we were warned of the dangers of global cooling.

  3. Sanity has nothing to do with it.

    I agree the green agenda is politics and has no scientific basis in fact. This is a cause of great concern.

    Already carbon taxes are going into place thus unbalancing the tax system by shifting the tax burden to those who use a lot of fuel. Farmers, manufacturers, and transportation. The cost of everything will go up. We become poor and ignorant and thus can be led around by the nose more easily.

    The green agenda is a form of fascism.

  4. I'm just curious - do you think saying "it's a fact" makes something a fact?  Because you're obviously speaking out of complete ignorance.

    You think that hundreds of thousands of scientists are weak, corrupted, often unemployed, and bought for money?  That's probably the most ignorant statement I've heard in ages, and I've heard some bad ones.

    Even if this were remotely true, do you think anyone would care what an "unemployed" scientist thinks?  Who do you proposed is buying these scientists?  Al Gore?  Do you really think nobody would care if Al Gore were bribing scientists?

    Come on dude, take off the tinfoil hat, turn the radio dial away from right-wing talk shows, and rejoin us in the real world.

  5. Not at all.

    I worry about those who think that this countries best scientists are weak or corrupted.

    The best example is the National Academy of Sciences.  These are 1800 of the nation's best scientists, voted into the Academy by their peers.  Being an Academy member is like getting the Oscar in science.

    Few get any funding for global warming.  They all have superb reputations and good jobs.  Most have plenty of money.

    To call them weak and corruptible is not credible, unless you think all science is.

    Many conservatives have become annoyed with fellow conservatives giving the movement a bad name by denying global warming science.

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

  6. im not worried because they are loosing. more and more real scientists are coming out with facts and data to disprove his theory. the people i worry about are those that actually believe al gore and wont look past him at all the evidence otherwise.

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