
Do you worry what kind of world your child is or will grow up in?

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The environment, the people, the society etc?




  1. I do not like the idea of bringing children into the world. Considering the society we live in, the way people are, racism, the way people treat each other, poverty. But if you are wealthy and live in a nice home, say an estate? (luck you) and the environment you live in is different to that of say lower and middle class then it's ok.  

  2. No not at all.  I know they will get hurt by someone somewhere and that this world does have a lot of pain and suffering in it.  I am also confident in my parenting and that I will teach them how to be responsible, helpful, positive and loving and how to embrace the world and live life to the fullest, whatever comes their way.  It's my job to make them ready for the big wide world unlike what my parents did for me.

  3. I do, but you have to take life as it is thrown to you.....

    Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday....was it worth it?

  4. Yes I do intensely,yet I remind myself that every generation of parents has had something to fear with regards to the welfare of their children.

  5. yes all the time. I hate it

  6. All the time, but I worry about everything that concerns my son. I think its just natural.

  7. no, i do not worry.   the world was never perfect or even stable.  each generation has a different worry.

    there has always been wars, murders, robberies, rapes, child predators, recession  etc.

  8. you are good parent for worrying so, but it might help knowing that you have inspired and taught your kids where to look for brilliance in this world we created.

  9. Yeah, I'm worried society will treat my kids the way they treat me.  They tax the c**p out of me and tell me not to be selfish.  They tax me and never give a dollar in return.  I'm a slave to other voters who think I should pay more in taxes.  I hope my kid will have a chance to create a life for himself without others taking so much of the money he maket in the name of the environment or the "common good".  I wish I could protect him from hippies.  

  10. YES! all of the time. my daughters are already on the computer and watching TV, and I cant always control it. I'm not sure if what they are doing is appropriate. If you do too, I think the best thing to do is just to not think about it as much. I tell them to just stay a kid for as long as possable!       hope I helped!! :)

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