
Do you worship the Union Jack, the Irish Tricolour or the Stars and Stripes above all human considerations?

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The reason I'm asking such a banal question is to draw out the problem of US Nationalism which people of that persuasion seem blind to. Any criticism of the human rights abuses of the USA is met with outcries of traitor, go back home, euro nanny, etc.

I know that at least half of the citizens of the USA are not neanderthally compromised and are actually really cool people who I'd be very happt to meet and hang out with but there seems to be a big proportion of self righteous, Arab kicking, trailer trash who regard themeselves as THE USA and they are right behind their satanic overlord GWB. Just joking, he doesn't have the brains or the b**ls to be satan.




  1. No.

  2. I do not worship the Stars & Stripes.

    You should be glad you live in the USA; in some other countries, your insults of our sitting president could result in tracking you down and -----

  3. What was the question?

  4. Meta : I admire the citizens of the USA/Canada for their loyalty to their flag and nation, and how they parade/display the colours of their country with pride.

    Again the Scottish, Welsh, and Irish nation also fly their flag with honor/pride.

    Here in the UK, we seem to be a bit confused,

    Union Jack flags are rarely seen, and appear only wide spread during football matches, and/or occasions of a Royal Family birth or death, or in fact during the present games !!

    Unlike the USA, we don't seem to share enough pride to have our nations flag, individually and continuously flying from our houses and buildings (Town Halls etc) which is such a shame, and yet Canada celebrates Queen Elizabeth day, with an annual one day Bank Holiday !! unlike the UK, (something I cannot understand)

    The St Georges Flag,   is also one that alludes this country, as being our patron Saint, and one saint, that many children don't even know exists, or is celebrated in any way.

    Caramac x

  5. ¨Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels. ¨

    --Dr. Samuel Johnson

  6. None of them, I'm a Jock

  7. Okay, you had your turn on the soapbox....what exactly are you trying to say?  And....what's the question?  

  8. Union flag - never!

    y Ddraig coch - always!

  9.   Mark Twain, an American that served in the US civil war had the right idea about battle flags. He said it is like the notices you used to see on rubbish dumps that said; "Rubbish may be shot here" Incidentally, it is a proven fact that the further you are from the bullets the braver you are. Not many of these gallant bar room heroes who talk so much about 'us' teaching 'them' a lesson ever go up the sharp end.

  10. I am proud of Britain and I’m proud of the Union Flag (Jack)

    However I do not worship either, I believe it is our duty to criticise and find faults so we can make it a better nation.

  11. no..<^><...

  12. " The skull and crossed bones , closely followed by the union jack ."

  13. I was going to say the Cross of st George, but somehow I don't think that would be apt.

  14. hear hear, yea what up with that?

  15. A: dude ur the man. B: human considerations but everybody knows we Irish are the best. hands down.

  16. I do not "worship" ANYTHING aside from God, I hold humans in high regard and not to be equated with any flag, and I do defend the USA when I feel moved to do so, and I live in a trailer park but must disabuse you of the notion I am in any way to be considered "trash." I weigh accusations/criticisms objectively and if I feel they are justified I say so; if not, I make that known as well. I never blindly defend anything, I always make sure I have an understanding of whatever the issue is. Your patronizing comment re

    "neanderthally compromised" is self serving and of course, quite erroneous. You will find disagreeable people in any country incl the USA< no argument there, but you are making sweeping statements that are more for drama and to insult than for any reasonable or intelligent commentary.

    FYI: "neanderthally" is not an acceptable form of the word. At least when you criticize, try to do so with words you know how to use properly.

  17. no i worship the cornish flag

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