
Do you writing down your dreams ?

by  |  earlier

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should you write them down ?




  1. you should write down your goals. and have them as a visual

  2. I do, every morning when i wake up first thing i do is write down my dreams, and the more you do this the better you'll remember them, you pretty much go from writing a couple of lines one week and a few weeks later you're writing a couple of paragraphs. Its a really fun way to look into your own subconscious.

  3. I don't. Then again, I don't remember half of mine...

  4. I kept a detailed journal of my dreams for over three years. Just because they were very interesting. Unfortunately my computer, got a virus and erased all of them.

    Anyway a lot of them were about water. they were very interesting. I used to dream a lot.

    I am currently using the nicotine patch to stop smoke, and the patch will make you dream, all night, vivid dreams...

  5. sometimes i do usually when something is bothering me i will.  My dreams will usually help me out.  My dreams are usually premonitions, so i pay attention to them.

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