
Do young Liberals get brainwashed easily?

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So much for an open mind.




  1. No those are the traits of Republicans.

    War , tax cuts for rich people are favourite for them even if that hurt them.

  2. I think the older conservatives are more prone to brainwashing. Just take a look at yourself for example.  

  3. I wouldn't call it brainwashing.  But they don't have enough of life's experiences in many cases to make rational choices.

  4. Everyone is easily brainwashed into believing things.

    Like the questioner here; he has believed a propaganda that may or may not be true, yet thinks he is immune to foolish ideas.

    In any sense, people are gullible idiots on both sides; intelligent people moved to Canada, where there is hockey, g*y marriages, and you can still buy guns.

  5. It certainly appears that way. Biden is hardly hope and change considering he has been in Washington for 35 years.

  6. No. I'm not impressed with the republicans wisdom that they say they have acquired considering the failure they have been the last eight years. It's obvious they could learn something from the younger people.  

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