
Do young Lutino cockatiels always look like Lutinos?

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I have a juvenile male cockatiel whom I was told is a Lutino. Now looking at photos of Lutinos I don't see any young Lutinos that look like mine. My Sunny has yellow and grey pearling on his feathers. His tail feathers are yellow, his eyes are black (not red), and his feet are pink. His crest is mainly yellow with some grey. He has a yellow face and light pink feet. Can anyone familiar with cockatiels let me know if there is any way to tell at this point what Sunny will look like after his first molt? What color mutation does he sound like to you? Thank you for your help! :-)




  1. What you have is a Pearl Lutino. If it is a hen it will remain the color and pattern it is now. If it is a pied pearl it will stay the way it looks now if it is a male it will lose the pearl and just be solid yellow. I have solid white wf cinnamon pieds. They look just like wf Lutino except they have black eyes. The  black eyes tells me that you just have a self yellow pied.  

  2. dsfsdf

  3. Yes. They always look that way. No matter what age it is.

  4. Lutinos always have red eyes.  Your cockatiel is either a pearl or a pearl pied.  If it is a pearl male, he will also lose his pearling as he ages and eventually look like a normal grey.

  5. Thats not a lutino that a pearl cockatiel!

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