
Do young people appreciate and understand Dr King's Contribution?

by Guest21163  |  earlier

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I'm curious of the 30 and under crowd really understand Dr Martin Luther King Jr's Contributions toward civil rights and world peace, or is he just another face and name in the History books?




  1. It is up to those who DO understand to educate the youth about him.  I am 32 and fully aware of his amazing contributions to our society.  I counsel young children (most who live in poverty in a very diverse neighborhood) and teach them about him every chance I get.

  2. im 15 and i understand how important he is.

  3. Think of what would life be like today had not Martin King give his life to see us come together. That's what I think about it.   The man shed his blood so we could become a nation.

  4. For me, he is definantly not just another face in the history books. He is amazing for the grand contributions he made towards peace and liberty for black people and equality for all. People like Malcolm X, MLK Jr., Nelson Mandela, etc. are not just other faces for us. They are faces that we can never forget.

  5. No, he is probably just another person from history.  A good person in most of their eyes, but a lot of kids see him as having done something good for black people, not all people.  NCLB does not leave time to teach it in school anymore, because state tests don't test on the civil rights movement.  Thank you George Bush...mission accomplished ***hole!

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