
Do young people care about politics?

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Do young people care about politics?




  1. Yep, more so in this election than ever before I think. Or at least since Vietnam.

  2. Yes! I'm 13 and very into politics- I'm going to be a Democrat....

  3. h**l yeah. I'm like the only Republican in my grade. my mom is kind of disappointed she had a Republican.

  4. Sure I'm 14 and I'm into it.  

    By the way all liberals in polls and surveys should go to the politics section, b/c the conservatards are taking over.  

  5. Depends on their upbringing.  If parents are interested in politics, then there is more of a chance the young people will.  I am 42 and I still don't care about it.  They say one thing and then do the complete opposite.  Never trust them

  6. im 13.

    And when some even mentions poltics, i start running my mouth. i can start a debate extremely fast, i often get people mad at me because i have such strong opinions about things. No, im not gonna say who i would vote for, But to answer your question, Yes, alot of us young people care about politics.

  7. o0h Yes we do! I care much about ti!

  8. I'm sure some do!

  9. yes! We can make a change <3

  10. yes, very much so :)

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