
Do young people & older people have the same attitudes towards waste disposal?

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and do you think that advertising leads to the production of more garbage in society?




  1. I'll answer your second question first.  Yes, I definately think advertising in leading people to buy stupid garbage products and junk they do not need that leads to more garbage in society (it Slices, it Dices, it Peels...but wait there's MORE!).

    Your first question....I believe older folks and younger folks can have VERY oposing view on waste disposal.

    My Father-in-Law was born during the Great Depression.  He saves all sorts of items and can keep tractors running with a rubberband, some chewing gum, and a prayer.

    However he and his wife think nothing of using poison for weeds and insects, and well as chemicals for fertilizers.  After all they grew up in the age where antibiotics were discovered, and mankind was going to rule the earth via the use of chemicals.  They were raised with the idea the chemicals were good, but also with the idea of waste not, want not, use it up, wear it out, or do without.  

    Then there's my generation (X).  Heck toss it can always buy a new one....but for God sakes don't use any chemicals or anything un-natural!

    ~lol~  How much more oposite could it be?  I try to draw the best from both...use it up, wear it out, ect, and use no chemicals.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  2. I do not think that advertising leads to more waste in a society but I do belive that a general focus on material goods, and materialism in general leads to people wasting time, money, and even dump space to have the new just because it's new.  When nobody wants the old but not functional there is nothing else to do with it but dump it.  

    Our grandchildren will not have any antiques because we were so busy throwing them away for something newer.

  3. I dispose of my waste in an environmentally-friendly manner by dumping it into my neighbor's kitchen window.

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