
Do your arms really help your running?

by  |  earlier

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If I had stronger arms, would I be able to run faster?




  1. Your arms provide you with forward motion thrust, but it's your

    legs that really help you run faster, work on your legs more, but stronger arms will help

  2. yeah try running with your hands in your pockets

  3. Yes because it's like you are a puppet. If your arms move then your legs will naturally turnover making you go faster with out a lot of extra effort. It's best used for when you're really tired and/or towards the end of a race.

  4. Yea it definentely does cause wen u pump ur arms u give ur self momentum forward giving u extra speed

  5. oh my gosh soo much

    i used to think that arms didnt have to do anything with it just legs but i was soo wrong

    your arms dont have to be like super strong you just got to get the right technique

  6. Yes. If you don't move your arms correctly when running then it is just dead weight that is slowing you down. When you pump them and move them forward and backward it helps increase your speed. Having the right form when running can help. Don't swing them across your waist because that can make you lose energy. Just swing them back and forth with the opposite leg. It should come naturally.

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