
Do your bones get bigger if you gain weight or get fatter?

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just wondering




  1. Actually, No. Getting fatter or gainng weight could be due to excessive intake of meaty and fatty food.

    Infact, it is a known fact that our bones are made up of calcium. A diet rich in meat and low in fruit and vegetables may “leach” calcium away from our bones. Over time, this will lead to an increase the risk of osteoporosis.

    The nutrients found in fruit and vegetables can effectively slow down this “leaching” process, which keep the bones strong and less prone to fractures. So why wait and bone up with fruit and vegetables today.

  2. if u wana lose weight at home without exercising......u can refer to this website

    and u will find so many tips for weight loose and weight loose reciepes.u can try them and lose weight at home easily.

  3. Your bones do not get bigger, but they do become more dense to support the weight. A thin person's bones are more porous, and more prone to osteoperosis in older age. One of the few advantages to being overweight is better bone density (although lifting weights and taking regular calcium throughout life can help anyone build bone density in later years).

  4. No they do not.

  5. Yes they do.  Your bones get a little bigger because the have to support all that extra weight everyday.  Not a lot bigger but the bones of a really obese person who has been that way for many many years is thicker than that of an average sized person.  The bones in each of the bodies are operating under extremely different evironments.

  6. no it doesn't

    joints will get weaker when you don't exercise and gain weight because you are putting on heavier stress on untrained joints.

  7. no!

  8. no, bones stay the same. the fat in the body just gets bigger.

  9. no. but depending on how calcium enriched food you take

  10. yes! sorry i just wanted to be different

  11. they can. the size and density of the skeletal structure can change depending on the body mass and types of exercises that the person performs.  the human skeletal system is turned over about once a year, all of the cells in the body go through this process.  the bones in your body today is not the same bone that was in there last year.

    in athletes take for example tennis players, the bones in their dominate arm are larger than the other.

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