
Do your b*****s swell before you get your period?

by  |  earlier

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I had an IUD and got it removed June 30th and didn't have my periods with it. We are ttc and since it's been along time since I've had my period due to having and IUD I am wondering if it's normal that your b*****s swell before you get your period...It should be here late next week. They feel very full and also are slightly tender when I push on them.




  1. That happens to me aswell.

    Just before my period, my b*****s are really tender - especially my nipples. But it goes away as soon as my period ends.

  2. Being that you had an IUD in you and you just got it taken out, Im sure its your hormones getting back together. Your probably almost ready for you period and thats why there swelling. Have you had unprotected s*x since its been out? Its uncommon to get pregnant right after an IUD is taken out, but theres always a chance of it happening. Good luck on ttc!!

  3. YES!

  4. yes

    mine tend to get a little bigger and tender before i get my period

    it's normal

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