
Do your cats ever leave you little mice pieces for approval and examination?

by Guest57025  |  earlier

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Does it make your day?




  1. Yes! I think its addorible because they are trying to tell you Look at what i found master! I found it all by myslef!

  2. that means your cat is a good hunter  

  3. Yes it their way of presents, i am always receiving mice small birds i once had a magpie ! :(

  4. yes, they leave their trophies on the porch for me too.

  5. Well, I don't have that issue anymore as all my cats are indoors.....

    When I was a teenager, my mother and I had a few barn cats and they would leave surprises at the front door.

    I will never forgot one night when I opened the front door and my cat dropped a live mouse and it ran into the living room. lol - I ran to the kitchen and grabed a bowl and slammed it over the mouse. (Now remember I was a teenager, so that means I was brain damaged too) I didn't know what to do next with this I called my mother at work (I.C.U. nurse) I explain to her my problem with the mouse...I hear her talking with some others at the nurses station and burst of - My mom laughing says "Just pick it up by the tail and throw it outside." So I (Brain damaged, I was.) lol

  6. I cant say that it makes my day but, yes on the rare occasion that my cat catches something, he does leave it where he knows I will find it.

  7. They leave the carcass whole with just the bite mark that inflicted the rodent's demise. I think they want me to enjoy it. Compensation or something. It does give me a renewed sense of structure and entitlement to all that is sublime and feline.

  8. Once my cat brought back a baby rabbit. My sister freaked out and started yelling at it. The poor cat was so confused and scared that it ran away from the house for a while.

    It made my day, not so sure about the rest of my family since they don't look at the cat the same anymore.

  9. all the time

  10. they also catch birds;neither makes my day

  11. My cat leaves clothes and odd items , I'm so glad he doesn't give me dead things.

    It means he loves you :)

  12. It totally makes my day!  My cat gets all the gophers that eat my veggies and killed my apple tree. I love her.

  13. Rats heads and lizzards too. Oh, and giant locusts from the garden.

  14. Many cats do this for the sake of their owner because they think the owner is incapable of hunting, so they try to provide for you when you're actually providing for them.

    Domestic cats are also the only creatures (other than humans) that kill for fun.  All other animals only kill when they are hungry or in defense.

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