
Do your cats kill mice and things?

by  |  earlier

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my cat snuck out this morning when my friend dropped off her kid for me to babysit and this afternoon i heard him meowing so i go to let him in and he has a chipmunk in his mouth!!! he wanted to bring it in but i told him to drop it and he came in but then sat there looking all sad because i didn't accept his gift. seriously he is so fat i can not believe he even caught something as fast as a chipmunk! i hope he doesn't get a disease or something. do your indoor cats do this?!




  1. Eating mice and "things" = your cat has worms.

    Make sure you have them wormed regularly because worms can turn into a serious health issue.

    It is a natural instinct to hunt, but that does not make it healthy.

    Check out the links in my sources for more information.

  2. EW, i dont think that is healthy though bcoz what if the chipmunk had a diseace i suggeest yuh git your cat checked up asap. JUST in case something migt go wrong.

    And is cats do eat mice i know they do but the get it ffrom OFFICIAL petstores!

  3. Its instink.He loves cats are indoor/outdoor.If they can catch it they bring it home.It doesn't matter what it is.The rule is they have to kill it have put many a baby rabbit back in the weeds cause they were still alive and kicking.

  4. My current cat is an indoor only cat.  She won't touch anything but her cat food and won't chase anything but her little toys.  

  5. Shame on you... he bought you his treasure... he was hunting FOR YOU!

    Next time just take it and then give him a treat and tell him what a ferocious cat he is.  tell him what a BRAVE HUNTER HE IS... and that you LOVE his gifts but would rather he didn't bring them into the house.  Put them on the stoop instead!  

    He is only doing what is natural to him... fat or not he is faster than you think.

    Mine have brought in something that looked like a sable/ snakes/ birds/ mice/ chipmonks... some live and run around my house for a while until I or they catch them... some don't get the chance.

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