
Do your child school have uniform code if so how do you like it?

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Do your child school have uniform code if so how do you like it?




  1. My school has a uniform and we get Fridays to wear whatever we want.  I find uniforms much easier than figuring out what to wear everyday.

  2. yeah i like the uniform its okay

    the uniform dosent really matter its all about the level of education being provided at the school

  3. Our high school has a uniform dress code. There is no particular uniform, but the dress has to meet certain criteria. For example, boys cannot wear tennis shoes and girls' skirts have to be a certain length. Most of the kids have no problem with it, although there will always be someone who doesn't want to follow rules. Another school in the area allows the kids to choose from several items from a catalog and that's all they can wear. That is better than just 1 type of skirt, etc.

      I like the uniform dress code because it allows the kids to personalize their wardrobe without looking immodest or sloppy. I think it's one of the better choices between uniforms or street clothes.

  4. Yes they have a uniform. I think it's good, they can wear anything navy or white that has no logos on it, they basically wear tracksuits or similar. It's very easy to wash etc.

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