
Do your children go outside a lot?

by  |  earlier

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Do you live in a urban, suburban, or rural area?

I grew up in suburban/rural area and I don't really remember being in the house that much! Now I live in a very urban area and we don't get out much, and we if we do it's usually to another indoor place (it has been pretty hot too).




  1. Times have changed and its really annoying!

    I live in an urban area and everyone just wants to sit inside all day like pansy's.

    There are nice parks and baseball fields around here and no one will ever play baseball or anything.

    My parents grew up in the cities and said no one would ever be inside.

    What happend?

    And how do we change it!

  2. Same thing here, its above 95 daily so during summer unless it is really shaded we don't do a ton of stuff outside, during fall and winter we are out all the time! :)

  3. When I was a kid, we would be gone from sun-up till sunset, stopping at home only for lunch.

    I do not know what is with kids these days.  All they want to do is sit in front of the TV!  We live in a suburban small town with a decent park and the community pool (which the kids have season passes for) and all they want to do is hang out in the house.  

    I hated being at home as a kid.

  4. I don't have children....either that, or they've been outside for their whole lives and I just haven't seen them. Now you've got me thinking.

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