
Do your children play well by themselves?

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How old are they?




  1. My daughter did, my son needed to see me at all granddaughter can, when she wants to, but she'd rather be playing with others..

  2. All three of my kids played/play well alone. My 5 year old is in the living room right now with his toys all lined up and talking to himself.

    I think it was around preschool age where they all started playing good alone and not relying on me as their only source of entertainment. Some parents also are a little too overbearing and it doesn't allow their children to be imaginative and figure out how to entertain themselves.

  3. my 13 year old son could never play by him self when he was he was younger he usually like to play with his friends. They like to play shinny together.

  4. i have a three year old and she does pretty good! She runs out to me alot to show me things or she wants me to go play also but she entertains herself for a few hours@

  5. NOPE, they are bad....

    2 sons - 9 & 8

  6. when i lock them up they have no choice

  7. I played with my friends by ourselves..

  8. My youngest who is 9 does. He can sit with a toy or draw for hours by himself.

    But my older ones (15 & 14) were younger it was impossible! They couldn't do it which drove me nuts! But what I did for them was what a therapist told me to do. Sit them down at the kitchen/dining table with a timer and time them. Just sitting there. Then add a coloring book or a toy and tell them you want to see who can sit there playing/drawing etc the longest and then give them a small prize. You choose what you want to give them as a prize. I did it for my older ones it took a bit but it worked. It's hard to do the things you have to do and then to have kids who can't entertain themselves. Good luck.

  9. my sisters do and they are 5 and 7

  10. My girls do they are 6 and 4. They spend a lot of time playing together so they take breaks from eachother and set up their toys and play alone for a little bit each day.

  11. My daughter is 13 months and she plays very well by herself. She has toys all over the place and she loves to play with the dog too. She will have a little sister to play with very soon though. I'm due with my second next Monday. Can't wait.

  12. 5 and yes he plays very well by himself- with action figures, drawing, building with blocks, etc. He's an only child so playing with others is a actually a bit more difficult for him.

  13. Son is almost 11 months old and plays better alone then with his 1 year 3 month old cousin...

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