
Do your children share a room?

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I am looking for advise on children sharing a room. We are renting a 2 bedroom house that we love and would rather not move out of. Our son will be 2 this month and i am due in March of 2009.

I'm wondering if you have had a baby and a toddler in the same bedroom. i'm concerned that they would keep each other awake. The new baby would be in our room for the first month or two but after that they would share a room.

We have talked about moving into a 3 bedroom but with having a new baby i just feel like it would be a big hassle.

Please tell me your stories on what you've tried that works and what you've tried that doesn't work. I do plan on breastfeeding so i will have to go into their room in the middle of the night.

Thanks for your help!




  1. My sisters and I shared a room from the time they each were born until I was at least 8. (One is 18 months younger, the other 5 years younger). My parents just always reinforced that we needed to sleep, and if we woke up, it was our job to go back to sleep while mom took care of the baby. It's great for kids to share rooms! My sisters and I are soooo much closer because of it.  

  2. I had two girls in one room who were 2-years apart.  They shared from the birth of my second daughter until they were 7 and 5.  They got along pretty well for being complete opposites.  I got more rest when I got them out of the same room, but they got along well enough until our budget allowed us to build a larger space for them.  A room of their own.

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