
Do your dogs show their guilt? :)?

by Guest55903  |  earlier

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I just found a chewed up mini ice cream container on the love seat. Both dogs were in the living room. I said "Who did it" and held it up. Loki immediately put his ears back, turned his head away and walk to his crate. (I've never sent him to his crate...just something he does when he knows he did something wrong). :)

Do your dogs admit their guilt like that?




  1. yes they do! and if they don't then Peanut the chihuahua tells on them! lol

  2. Milly never tends to show her guilt, she'll just sit there with her daft grin and wagging tail, as if to say

    "Who, me? I never do anything naughty!"

    Although Amy is only too eager to drop her in it, she'll look at Milly and look at me and then back at Milly, as though to say,

    "Don't blame me,she did it"

    If it was Amy she pins her ears back and hangs her head in shame, and will just lift roll her eyes up to me as though to say,

    "l'm sorry, l won't do it again",

    and Milly just sits their happily wagging her tail.

  3. My mom's dog Midnight knows when he's done something wrong and when he gets caught he starts limping, like "look I'm hurt, don't yell at me."  It's so funny, he does it every time he gets caught.  Once he knows he's out of trouble, he's back to his playful self.

  4. lol, yes.

    chaos the  other day chewed up the t.v remote.

    I saw it and said "did you do this" she puts her ears bak and army crawls to me as if to say im sorry mommy i wont do it again....i mean how can u bad mad at that.

  5. One of my dogs will put his ears back and roll on his back. It is so cute.

  6. Oh yeah....

    my dane, Siwa, knows exactly when shes been naughty.

    when i come home and theres my knitting yarn from one end of the house to the other she's always hiding looking very guilty.

  7. Definitely - our dog - Buster would droop his eyes and hang his head when he knew he did something bad and got caught doing it.  He hated to be scolded.

  8. all the time...if my pup luke thinks he has does something wrong he does 1 of two things. if you are really made, her puts his ears back and goes to his crate as well. if you don't sound really mad, then he will crawl into your lap and give you very gentle lickshe so cute that i cant help but forgive him!!!

  9. Yes, my collie pup is 4 months old and yesterday when I walked in the living room she just looked guilty...same look, ears back and eyes averted...she was trying to get on the couch to get my son's teddy bear!

  10. Well, when Brog has something he's not supposed to have, I will start walking towards him and he will just drop it, lay down, and put his head on the ground and watch me take it. Then he wags his tail and tries to give me kisses-"I'm sorry mom! I know I'm not supposed to have it but it just tastes so good!" hahaha.

    He definitely has a look of guilt.

    Jake, on the other hand, is oblivious to anything he's doing wrong hahaha. "Oh, was I doing that? Sorry! Didn't realize!"

  11. yea they do!  

  12. Alf just looks all pitiful if he's been caught out,  then when I go up to him to tell him off his turns on his back for a belly rub!! It's too cute, and I try not to give in... :)

  13. The other day I  went in to take a shower and left Blizzard out of his crate....I usually put him in anytime I'm away from him becuase he can't be trusted yet. Well, something told me he was up to no good while i was in the shower, just a small feeling....

    I got out of the shower and there he was with a stuffed animal between his paws attacking the ear of this poor thing. I didn't say a word but just stood over him looking down at him....and I almost died laughing....He put his ears back, looked at me then looked at the stuffed animal and then let it drop from his paws... I swear if he could talk he would've said " Oh c**p, you caught me". It was so funny how I didn't even have to say one word to him yet he knew he was in trouble. This is why he is still crated whenever I leave him!!!

  14. Absolutely!  If they have a good relationship with you, deep down they want to please you.  If they have done something they know will not please you, they will typically show avoidance signs like yours did.  In a dog pack, bad behavior is usually met with some kind of punishment or discipline from others in the pack.  

  15. Absolutely! Well, Fattie does, anyway. I don't think Bella has caught on to feeling guilty quite yet.

    If I leave my bedroom door open when I leave the house, I know that Fattie will get on my bed (really her only fault... who can resist a big comfy bed with nice feather pillows and blankets?)

    I know that she has been on the bed before I step foot in my room because when I walk through the front door, Fattie is coming out of my room with her ears back, belly low to the floor, tail in between legs, and she lays down at my feet with her big belly exposed. I just can't bring myself to be mad at her! I think she punishes herself enough with guilt!

    Another time, she actually stole a blanket from a chair and when I came into the room, I said, "Fattie, did you... blah blah blah" all you have to say is "Fattie did you?" and she puts on the guilty face. It's too cute!

  16. Actually, my dog *does*.  Just two or so months after we got Jasmine, she tore up one of my bears (stuffed, I collect).  She did it not long after 10, when my brother woke up (he had graduated and this was my Junior Year).  He saw her do it, punished her and six hours later, when I finally got home I went to the bathroom, washed my hands and she started acting wierd.  She's always happy to see me, but she kinda started rubbing up against me, like a cat, something she's never done before or since then.  I took a look at what she did and found out that she was acting guilty.  She also has a guilty "wag".  She wags her tail and it looks like she's sitting on it and then she starts to wag it.

    Also, the first time we left her home alone, she had an accident.  We didn't punish her, don't worry.  We cam through the door, she stayed lying on the floor, and wagged her guilty wag.  She looked from us to the hallway (where she went).

    Atleast we know when she's been bad!! lol

  17. JJ doesn't look guilty at all if he's caught red mouthed, with an item that isn't his hanging from his mouth. He usually quickly spits it out and then tries to saunter off. JJ is always corrected if he caught in the act.

  18. My dogs acted like that, too. However, dogs don't feel guilt, only fear that they will be punished (even if the punishment is simply a strict "no"). That's why, say, if you knock over the garbage can yourself, the dog will still cower and slink away--he obviously doesn't feel guilty for something he didn't do, it's just that he associates the garbage being knocked over and you being there with being punished. That's also why, if he isn't caught in the act, a dog will often continue to get into the garbage, even though they act extremely "guilty" afterward; they haven't really been taught that what they're doing is bad, just that you seeing the evidence is.

  19. Eli does the tail tuck and low profile walk to me when he has done something wrong. He absolutely can't hide it when I do the finger move that means "come here now".

    Molly always has a look on her face like "I didn't do anything, I promise" and, usually, she hasn't. It's usually the big black dog that does all things naughty in my house...except, of course, when Miss Molly forgets where she's supposed to pee!  

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