
Do your emotions control you?

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Mine control me. How do I overcome this?




  1. No- my sick sense of humor and complete lack of tact controls me.

  2. Lithium.

  3. some times they seem to get control  but all I can suggest is prayer and seeking God's help.

  4. IT takes much hard work.  Only you have the power too.  Good Luck

  5. Isn't that the point of emotions?

  6. not any more

    i just learned to accept them, understand them and deal with them

    learned not to let other people affect me in any real way that would have me so angry or upset

    that what they think does not matter as much

    that the small irritations in life, are just that

    small small veyr small irritations that do not deserve or require big big reactions or emotions

    and that they are not in control of you, or your emotions and actions, only you are

    so when you react to anything in a bad way , it is YOU who can change it

    our emotions are important and we can and shoudl not ignore them and not be afected by them at all, but when we are being over affected, there is need for a change

    but you have to change it

    it wont happen

    you have to accept that you have to change your mind, your way of thinking and your way of reacting

    you can just let go of things, but you have to let them go

    they do not just go by themselves

    you have to say, ok i just will not let that affect me like that anymore

    and stand by it

    its tough at first, it is not an easy thing to change your entire way of thinking and reacting

    but once you begin to do it more often it become a way of life and you may not  even have to think about it after a while,

    but it takes months and months maybe even a year or 2 of brain training and self control and changing yourself and your mind

  7. Frontal lobectomy.

    Or you deal with it, like the rest of us.

    Edit: A lobotomy would not be extensive enough...the whole thing's got to go.

    Edit: Well, you just do. This sounds crappy, but you've made it this far, so obviously you're doing something right.

    The coping mechanisms are going to vary from one to the other. For some, meditation, prayer, sitting in a quiet place, for others, drugs, for others, classes in techniques.

    There is no one technique.

  8. That's the human condition.  Nobody gets to escape from it.  Sorry.  Get some help, and not just pills either.  Good luck.

  9. My emotions INFLUENCE me... they no longer control me.  I'm that way now because after my last marriage, I got burnt out emotionally.  Your emotions might control you, Linz, because you don't let yourself experience them fully before you make a decision.  I learned this technique from "Tuesdays With Morrie".  The dying professor was asked by his former student if he got sad sometimes, thinking that he was going to die soon.  The professor said that sure he got sad, but instead of letting it consume him, he just let himself sit there in self-pity  for a little while, fully experiencing the emotion, and then releasing it.  I scoffed when I initially read about it, but then I tried it.  It does wonders.  Fully experience it, then release the emotion.  To follow up, logically look at the situation at hand, causing these emotions.  Realize there's a reason for everything to happen, no matter what it is.  You'll be ok.  :)  

  10. A lobotomy

  11. Sometimes, specially anger and a high degree of frustration with some of humanity which tend to develop in misanthropy.

    The best thing to do is to embrace it, as they are ours and make us who we are. All feelings have pros and cons, it is up to us to develop/use them in a positive or constructive way.  

  12. You don't.

    Everyone is controlled, or at least motivated, by emotions. That's how it works. It's not a bad thing.

  13. It's the Jagermeister that controls me. I get a little emotional after the 4th shot.

  14. They do sometimes, but that's the nature of being human. I think the only way to stop yourself from being controlled by your emotions is to take a deep breath and think things through.

    Knowing it's a problem is the first step to finding a solution.

  15. no.  but they definitely grab the reins once in a while.

    I try to remember a couple of things my dad used to say to me when I was letting my emotions drive -

    Anger/hatred is like eating rat poison and wondering why the rat didn't die.

    Why assume malice over stupidity?

    Don't be in denial - be optimistic in the face of reality.

    Yea.  My dad was like a bumper sticker store.....but I loved him.  I just had to learn to quit taking everything as a personal attack.  I had anger issues.  :)

  16. be born again.

  17. You could find some nice drugs to control your emotions.

  18. This will sound very, very strange and somewhat suicidal, but it's not intended to be like that.  What I've done in the past is to think about what would happen if I were dead.  Say I was going to kill myself tomorrow.  What does that mean for me today?  It means that all that stupid sh*t that is making me sad or mad or depressed or stressed doesn't matter.  None of it.  I could completely sever the ties, forget the past, and it wouldn't matter because I'll be dead tomorrow.  I don't have to worry about who thinks what or do I have this thing I think I need.  It all ends tomorrow.

    By thinking this way, I was able to weed out the truly important things in my life from the things that don't really matter.  It's an incredibly freeing experience if you can really think that way deep into your soul.  Then you go out the next day, realizing you really could die at any moment, and focus on the things that really matter and brush all the extra c**p aside.

    Just for fun, I also like to think about what I would do before offing myself - you know, drain my bank account on travel to fabulous places, smack that stupid chick at work, walk down the street telling people how bad their outfits look - that kinda thing.  It's at least good for a laugh.

  19. No, I try not to let them, and I usually remain very calm and collected most of the time.  I don't know how you can overcome it, other than trying harder to ignore your emotions and not take things too personally.

  20. Even though I'm an Atheist, I like some aspects of Buddhism. They believe that change is a constant and that emotions will subside when they've run their course. What they try to do is put the emotions in their rightful place and examine why they've appeared at that moment. This examination will lessen the effects and we learn why they occurred and that they're normal. If there's a particular emotion that's controlling you, take some time away and examine that emotion. Make entries in a journal. Ask others (as you've done) how they deal with that specific emotion. Learn that the emotion has its place in your life, but should not become your life. Meditation is a great way to learn to become centered and give perspective to your life. You also might want to examine the foods you eat and how healthy you are physically, emotionally, financially, and any other way that's a part of you.  

  21. They do to a point, but then I burn out and have a hard time feeling anything.


  22. L-O-L @ "be born again". Nothing could be more emotional than Christianity.

    To answer your question...only you can figure that out. If you can recognize the symptoms, it's easy to correct the problem. Just don't be afraid to take a step back every now and again and breathe deeply before proceeding.

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