
Do your eyes feel dry or uncomfortable when you wear your glasses instead of you contact lenses?

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I usually wear contacts, but all this week I've been wearing my glasses to save money on solution which is extemely expensive. Does anyone experience and burning sensation or just an uncomfortable feeling when they dont' wear theM? Is this normal? Is it because my eyes are so use to the lenses?




  1. your eyes are dry due to wearing your contacts.  when you take them out thats when you really feel the dryness.  I bet the sun bothers your eyes to.

    i had the same problem when i wore contacts to much.  once you give your eyes a rest from wearing the contacts your eyes wont feel so dry.  try not to wear contacts to much.


  2. Maybe you need to use drops cuz your eyes are used to contact lense eye drops. Just get your eyes lasered, like I did. It'll save you money in the long run cuz you don't have to keep buying lenses and solution for the rest of your life.

  3. That happens to me a lot---I've had contacts for about eight years and I feel like my eyes itch a lot more when I'm wearing glasses.  Granted, that could be the result of only wearing glasses when I'm sick or had a bawl-fest the night before, so I can't guarantee anything, lol.

  4. yeah when i have my contact lenses in i can't feel anything, it's only when i take them out that they start to hurt and sometimes weep.  I think it's because your eyes have been drying out when you've been wearing your contacts and then as soon as you take them out your eye has to try and work harder to let more oxygen in and stuff so thats the main reason why wearing contact lenses loads isnt a good idea but a burning sensastion is nothing ive ever had so maybe you should check that out next time you see your optition.


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