
Do your eyes have a habit of saying the unsaid?

by Guest57702  |  earlier

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Do your eyes have a habit of saying the unsaid?




  1. yes, people are always saying so, except when i lie cause no one ever finds out

  2. The eyes are the window of the soul...

  3. I havnt the vocabulary to adequatly express what my eyes are sensing.  You can read whatever you like into them or be sensitive enough to understand the expression they reflect.

  4. When I'm feeling s**y **** definitely.

  5. when fine girl wake by

  6. No. They blurt it out.  My whole face does.  It makes playing poker useless.  I might as well just give everyone my money.

  7. yes, my neighbor asks what's the matter, I say nothing because I don't want to talk about it

  8. sometimes. not when i lie though.

  9. No, only because I've practiced control over mine.  Men have a habit of trying to read more in to a women's eyes than we're actually saying with them.  Like we look at them and think "wow! he's fine, but I wouldn't have him".  He reads our eyes, as if we're thinking we want to go to bed with him.  So, you have to practice to control and save those eyes for only the ones you really want to know better.

    It is said the eyes are the window to the soul, so make sure you know the Lord Jesus Christ.  They will have an absolute sparkle in them, which everyone will want to have.  I like the fact people ask me why mine sparkle.  It gives me an opportunity to share Christ with them.

    Blessings to you and those eyes<><):

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