
Do your feet smell like peaches and taste of honey?

by  |  earlier

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I wish.




  1. Quizard, thats hilarious and true.  Mine smell of apples and cinnamon with a large dose of f***s. Im to out of shape to taste them. I suppose I could rub them and then l**k my hands.......let me get back to you.

  2. I don't know mine but my father's feet smell like cheese when he comes back home from work and he takes his shoes off.


  3. why don't you come check them yourself?

  4. Nope. hehehe last time I had my foot in my mouth the next thing I tasred was humble pie.

  5. mmmmmmmmmmm lol are you the tester

  6. My feet smell of burger and chips. lol, Have a great evening D.

  7. Do drugs much?

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