
Do your friends ever drive you crazy about their dogs?

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Arggg! My friend lost her 13yr old cattle dog last January, and they got a new addition about a month ago from a rescue (he's a 1-2yr cattle dog mix). They also have a 2yr old purebred cattle dog girl and a 11yr old male cattle dog mix.

She hummed and hawed about whether or not to get a puppy or an older dog. We broke down the plus' and minus' of both...she saw Joey and fell in love. Anyhow...he's a sweet dog (I love him), but he had a rough life before them (orginal owner died of a heroin overdose). He gets into stuff and tears stuff up (I told her she has to walk them everyday...playing isnt' enough, he needs mental stimulation...that seemed to help).

Now she calls me today ready to get rid of him because he all of sudden is going to the bathroom in the house. I told her to get out his crate and crate him when they aren't home, and work on potty training. They have a dog door, and he's been using it up until last week when he started going in the house on occasion. I told her to work on potty training...take him out before bed and wait till he goes, and again first thing in the morning. I guess she wanted me to tell her why he's doing this all of sudden, but I don't have an answer. It just frustrates me that she even considers giving him back because of rescue has plenty of issues, but he's mine...and he isn't going anywhere!

Hmm...sounds rant-ish :D Sorry for the long drawn out babbling.

What are your thoughts on him all of sudden not using the doggy door?




  1. My friends are the same way. I just act clueless..."Huh, a dog? Whats a dog?"

    Except one time, My friend goes "I want a teacup Maltese so badddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Then I gave her the "runt" speech and she just goes "Well, that sucks. I want a Havanese"

    This is also a friend that lives in a no-pet rental house.

    But, "It'll be okay, We're gonna sneak it."

    Yeah, Like a puppy isn't going to potty in the house.

    Thats gonna be really subtle when the landlord sees pee+p**p stains all on the carpet.

    I have some *really* stupid friends.

  2. I know what you mean in a sense. My friends come to me with behavior issues with their dogs too.


    But the only friend that drove me up the effing wall didn't have dogs, she had cats. And she was quite possibly the most obnoxiously irresponsible person on the face of the planet.

    She started out with one cat about three years ago, then that cat got sick so she took it to the pound. She got another cat, which got pregnant, then she had six cats. Those six cats, three of them were females. She gave all but two away. The two she kept were a girl and a boy. The girl got pregnant, then the cycle repeated. She swore up and down she was getting the females fixed.

    She never did.

    THEN she started on me about how I should leave her cats alone because "if the male isn't coming home pregnant, its not my problem. he can knock as many animals up as he wants. not my problem."

    Her sixth litter, I took two of the kittens and had them spayed before the issue could escalate.

    Then one day a few months ago she came to me and told me the male cat had been hit by a car and that she wasn't going to take it to the vet. So, I called the SPCA about it, they took all of her cats and banned her from owning any more.

    Needless to say, I don't talk to her anymore. She's a moron in all aspects of her life.

  3. Mine drive me crazy because their dog eats Ol' Roy and is a year behind on her vaccinations. Then they tell me that I spend too much $ on my dogs. Yeah, I know.  

  4. Yes, they do (my friends I mean).

    I think the dog has no boundaries what so ever.  If my friends did that, I would be kicking and screaming (and buying the dog off of them).

  5. Oh my god, yes!

    My friend has a Turkish Kangal/Russian Shepherd cross she's had since he was a puppy. The dog is bigger than her dad. They keep him chained up outside... he bites. I'd be really afraid to be on the receiving end of that dog.

    Now with your friends, sounds like it's time to take out a few training books, maybe visit a behaviorist or two!

  6. that is sad, poor dog being pulled from pillow to post :(

    if she really can not be bothered to train him, he might be better off else where?  

  7. no...i drive them crazy about my dog and other dogs lol!

  8. It's possible something might have frightened him while he was outside - maybe a loud noise, a thunderstorm, etc.  I'd definitely go back to the crate training to reestablish good habits.  Deodorize the location where he pottied with Nature's Miracle.  It's an enzyme that breaks down the urine and f***s so the scent does not keep reattracting him to the spot.  

  9. Very complicated..  

  10. He may be upset about being left alone and is showing he is mad.

    Is he alone?

    she needs to crate him or lock him outside

    I am having the same people and solved it in one weekend of having the pup on a leash all day sat and sun and taking him outside the second he started smelling around

    he may be lonely

    if she is trying to get rid of him she may simply be making things up to justify in her own mind getting rid of the dog sometimes the relationship just doesn't work

    don't judge her to harshly but if she is determined to get rid of him ask her what the real problem is house training is simple if you are 10% smarter than the dog

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