
Do your grades in 6th grade really matter?

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i have 3 finals and a play tommorow--- if i get all c's on my finals, does it matteR?




  1. yeah, for like the middle skewl bit.. but not in the long run.

  2. in the short term, yes.

    and even in the long term, yes, because the grades that you get and the attitude that you have toward school and studying will stay with you.

    and you won't be able to do well enough when it does matter, if you don't start those habits early.

    it really depends on what the rest of your grades look like.

    but i would study, at least a little bit, for tomorrow.

  3. ya totally! I'm in 7th grade and it matters a lot! they will bring your grade down tons! my exams were worth like 15% of my grade and that can bring your letter grade down 2 letters! :(  i would study most of the time and after your finals- while your waiting for the other kids to finish i would read over your lines!

    hope this helps and goodluck

                                                     l.o.l (lots of love)


  4. Yes, actually they do. Because it's not like they'll stay with you till college but your attitude will stay with you about school. If you don't like school now and don't care about your grades that will stick with you till high school and college and then you'll end up with a bad job because you don't want to work. And you'll parents will probably get mad.

  5. Grades always matter, love.  Best of luck to you.

  6. It may matter what classes  you  are placed in next year. How are your grades going into your finals? Will the 'c's bring your averages way down?

  7. More than the grades, it's the knowledge that matters. You're going to be in school for at least six more years and hopefully on to college after that. Each year builds off of the last year's knowledge. The more you slack now the harder it will get in the future.

    Notice you're not asking how much the play matters. It sounds like you're smart enough to know the finals matter more and are looking for someone to tell you otherwise.

  8. Yes.

  9. good question im a six grader. my finals are next week. im highly expected so i dont know how you feel. i would say yes they do matter for the next year. as long as you havent failed the class your taking the finals in you should be fine. good luck.

    my school does percentage. a c is like 70's right?

  10. I mean, it does. Your attitude (like the girl above said)...

    is what will keep your grades up..And remember to get into a good university, you need good grades. But, your in 6th grade...It's a long way away. But, I mean one can at least give a little effort. I mean... your not 'reaching for their stars' if you get c's.  I guess, it does... That way your teacher have a respect for you and think your at least serious and dedicated to your education. You don't want to be held back do you?  :P

  11. Your grades themselves don't matter at all towards getting into a good college or what ever. But like the first poster said, if you don't study and get good grades now, what makes you think you're going to study and get good grades in high school. You need to start studying and everything now, so you can be a better student. You need to develop these certain types of skills early on in school so you maintain them throughout school.

  12. your parents will think your retarded like mine did.

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