
Do your kids do projects?

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So I asked my question about my mom not letting the kids paint and do a couple messy art things (we have a big art room that is just for that stuff). She agreed that starting when we get home (on vacation for a week) I can start having Friday paint day. Then Monday and Wednesday I can have a project for them (they LOVE projects). I decided to do it, because I have to watch all of them except the twins Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the summer (mom going back after maternity leave part-time at first). The only thing is that I HAVE to have everything cleaned up inculding the kids by the time she gets home from work.

For the paint days, I decided that they will do one painting project that I give to them. Then they can choose one kind of painting (watercolor, tempra, or finger) each and then do a few pictures.

We also have 2 other days to do projects that don't involve paint (or 1 part is paint that can be done on Friday for the project time).

Any suggestions for the....




  1. One of our favorite paint projects is to use non-drip paint and tape it to the underside of a coffee table.  The child can then lay on the floor underneath the table and paint, Michaelangelo style.

    Purchase some art smocks or have some old tshirts (they can be adult shirts) for the children to wear when doing messy projects.  They can put either on right over their clothes, and not ruin clothes with markers or paint, etc.  It also makes cleanup a little easier.

    There is a series of books called "More Than..."  There is one for science called "More Than Magnets", and I know they have one for art but I can not remember the name.  Check your local library.  It has a lot of neat ideas for arts and crafts projects.

    The magazine "Pack-O-Fun" is my absolute favorite for Arts and Crafts ideas, and each issue also includes a little lesson on a part of the world, and crafts to go along with that lesson.

    This magazine is not as easily found in stores, I have seen it at Publix.  I subscribe so mine comes in the mail.

    Family Fun is a mazine that is sold at most stores, it is a Disney publication and it has all sorts of ideas for arts and crafts, games, etc.

    Perhaps Monday could be a "free" day, where they could create their own masterpieces, Wednesdays you could guide them with a project, and on Fridays they could paint?  That opportunity to express themselves freely is extremely important.

    You can make mobiles-either with kits you purchase at an arts and crafts or school supply store, or using string and hangers.  

    You can make a lot of things using tracings of the children's hands-butterflies (hands are wings), turkey (lots of hands for feathers), etc.

    You can trace their bodies on paper, and they can draw their faces, clothes, etc.

    You can make ornaments.  THey can be used for the Christmas tree, hung from the rear view mirror, put a magnet on the back for the refrigerator, etc.

    What about Dad?  They sell plain white ties that you can decorate.

    They can decorate construction paper with crayons, markers, stickers, etc. and then you could laminate them and use them as placemats.

    Let them experiment with mixing colors to see what new colors the two combinations can make.

    Draw straight, wavy, and zigzag lines on paper and have them cut them-this is an EXCELLENT motor skill for them to practice.

    Let them make collages, using pictures cut out from old magazines.

    The ideas are endless.  You can purchase metal clips in the sewing section at Wal Mart, and the girls can make barettes.  

    Let them sew with yarn and paper with holes punched in (usually shaped paper)-this is another opportunity to practice motor skills.

    Browse the arts and crafts stores, the craft aisles of Wal Mart, and children's magazines for ideas.  The opportunities are endless!

    EDITED TO ADD: Several arts and crafts stores also have projects the children can do in store on the weekends, which are free or sometimes cost a couple of dollars for materials.  That could give you ideas as well.

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