My husband thinks our 3 preschool age children have too many toys and because of this, do not appreciate any of them. I'd say that if we gathered everything together, it would fill 4 large plastic bins. This is about 1/4 of what their friends have, and I think their friends have too many toys. My husband wants to get it down to one box of toys.
I try to keep it all organized- legos in one box, barbies in another, but in 3 minutes, they can (and do!) have everything dumped out and scattered throughout the playroom, 3 rooms upstairs, down the stairs and all over the family room.
My questions are: How many toys do you think is appropriate for a kids? How do you keep them organized (other than what I attempt)?
I was thinking of locking everything up and having the kids ask for something. Then they'd have to return what they took out before I get them something else.
Or... how can I train them to play with one thing (i.e. cars), and put them away before taking out something else?
Is this a losing battle?