
Do your kids have severe mosquito bite reactions?

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My Four year old was playing at my mum's house out on the country yesterday, and she forgot to put bug spray on her. When she woke up this morning her arms were covered in what looks to be mosquito bites, but they are extremely swollen and nasty looking. She had been scratching them in the night, so they were all weepy and gross. She has one bite on her forearm, and her entire arm from elbow to wrist is red, swollen and weepy. I cleaned it with peroxide, applied a benedryl spray, gave her benedryl orally, and covered the bites with calamine lotion. The swelling seemed to be getting worse, so I drew around the outside of the redness with a pen, and a couple of hours later, it had spread even more. Any ideas of what else I can do for this?




  1. go to your dr. sounds like your child needs a cortisone shot!

  2. put gloves on her hands. the type of gloves that are like cooking gloves.

    this helps her not scratch and put cool wash clothes on it so the hotness and redness goes down she will feel much better after wards

    also go to your doctor and ask for Triancimilone cream

  3. when I was young - mosquito bites I got, ended up being like 6 inches or more in diameter and 2 inches tall.  It was very annoying, and happened all the time, but never anything severe to go to the hospital.

    Sorry she feels like that.

  4. take her to the doctor!! seriously it sounds like a reaction that may be serious so you need to take her asap.

  5. Make your daughter stop scratching them! If there were many mosquito's out, she could have bites on top of bites. But her scratching them to that point of opening them can cause infection!

    She needs to stop scratching them, i know that's hard. Treat it like chicken pox days and duct tape some oven mitts over her hands if you have too.

    Clean them well, clean her hands well. Soak a towel in epsome salts and lay them on her arms where the bites are. Give her another dose of benedryl when the time is right again.

    Wash the bites with antibacterial soap, then lay the towel on them. Calamine lotion helps as well.

    Taking her to the doctor is never a bad idea in cases like this though.

    Good luck.  

  6. i don't have kids but i have very young brothers and sisters. Yes, this is pretty normal especially where i live. my baby bro had one that took up about the entire first knuckle of his finger. there's nothing you can really do.  but the calamine lotion and the benedryl. and if it's spreading maybe it's a rash not a mosquito bites.

  7. My son has had this since he was 2 and going outside. Make sure she does have bugspray on when going outside. Benadryl ointment works miracles for these bites. The reason why her reaction is this way is because she is allergic, like my son is. He will get one bite on his wrist and his hand will swell up and his whole forearm. Calamine lotion only stops the itch, Benadryl will make the swelling go down fast! Try this if it doesn't go down within 24 hours, call a doctor. I am positive this will work. Good Luck.  

  8. Take her to the hospital or she could get blood poisoning.  I am 19 and very allergic to Mosquito bites.  Blood poisoning will appear as blood veins showing up in vibrant colors (streaking).

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