
Do your kids hide things from you like car keys , cell phone ,etc?

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Have they ever hidden something from you that you STILL can't find?Or what is the weirdest place they have ever hidden something?




  1. my little brother, when he was in his terrible twos,

    used to hide flatware. [aka spoons knives, forks].

    in our TOILET.


    we always wondered why the toilet would randomly clog and click and the mechanic guy just said, "why in the h**l are there 3 spoons in the drain?" and we were like WHAT?

    it was funny at the time.

  2. I'm too young to have children, but I did hide stuff from my parents and brothers when I was little, (Candy, best hiding space, in my mouth!! LOL)

    My life was a little like this:

    Brother: DJ, have you seen that snickers bar I had on the counter??

    Me: *Stops Chewing* Iow Downth khnowth. (IDK) *Then wipes drool of lip. (Talking with your mouth full is harder than it looks.

    Brother: DJ?

    Me *Hurries and stuffs Snickers wrapper in my pocket*

    Brother. AHEM!

    Me: Go ask aaron (that's my other brother.) you should say sorry for accusing me.  (Still have snickers in my mouth, and he can clearly tell I took it.

    P.S.  Good for a laugh.

    <3 D.J.

  3. Yea my 3 y/o has this hummer that the trunk opens up and he steals everything! He'll hide car keys, phone, food and once i even found the baby kitten meowing in the trunk lol.... But the wierdest place would either be the broiler or between the window and the screen!

  4. well i use to be the kid that does that and yea alot of kids do that but there just playing around it could be under the bed in there toy box or in there clothes

  5. my 3 year old nephew ran away with my cell phone the other day and took it to his sandbox and when it started ringing, he buried it in the sand "to make the music stop" agh!!!

  6. yeah, my 3 yr old hid my extra coins in the couch.

  7. When one of my nieces was like 3-4 she was bad for hiding things. I remember once i was at her house, somehow she got ahold of my car keys. When i get ready to leave she is like "They are in the refrigerator-they are in the microwave-they are in the shower-they are in the toilet" Just telling me all these off the wall places just to get me to look. We found them in the fish tank.

  8. My son hasn't done that yet, but years ago I was babysitting and the kid and I were playing cops and robbers. I was the robber. He had a set of plastic handcuffs, and cuffed me. After a bit I asked him to let me out. That's when he couldn't find the key. He was about 4. I asked him to call his dad at work and find out where they were. He was too scared and then said he was going out to play. His uncle lived in the basement suite and arrived home from work, so I asked him to help me find them. We couldn't so the cuffs ended up getting busted off my wrists. It was really funny, but so frustrating!

  9. Yes, my 1 year old hid the keys to our storage unit inside his toy box inside of a toy. We had to pay $25 to get the lock cut off and then another $10 to buy a new lock!!

    The other day he took daddy's keys and put them in his ride on motorcycle toy (like they were ignition keys) and we couldn't find them for several hours.

  10. i know that i have hidden a few things from my mom since i was about 5.

  11. My son has autism and a very sharp memory. He took a stuffed s****. Doo at my sister's house out of town and pulled the tail off and hid it. My sister called me and told me what happened and I checked my sons clothing, our bags, and all over the car. No tail.

    It was about 2 months later that we went to visit her again and low and behold, when my son walked in, he went straight to the missing tail from out of no where and presented it like he had just laid it down that very day.

    We still to this day don't know where he had it hidden!

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