
Do your kids look like anything you thought they would?

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Okay well i've always pictured what me and my boyfriends kids would like . and my boyfriend has like hazel light brown eyes and i have dark brown and like i always pictured my daughter what she would look like and stuff . do your kids look like anything you imagined? well is that possible?




  1. Yes my daughter looks exactly like I pictured she would. Which kind of creeps me out sometimes because I had dreams about her starting before I was ever even pregnant and she looked exactly how I dreamed she did when she was born

  2. I had no idea what my children were going to look fact thats the one thing i couldnt wait for when i was pregnant!

    My daughter didnt look anything i had imagined, she is such a mix between me and my partner!

    I have blonde hair blue eyes, pale skin, My partner has brown/orban hair and dark brown eyes and a little darker skin than me.

    My daughter has blue sparkling eyes, brown hair and my partners skin nose, his lips and eyes....its weird lol

    She is beautiful though :)

  3. I would always wonder what my Daughter would look like. I would try to take our features and put them on her, I had sort of an idea of what she would look like. When I saw her for the first time I was so amazed. She was more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. :)

  4. I imagined my son to look like my husband and I and maybe have blond hair like me. He has blond hair and most my facial features and my husband's ears. So yea he looks like I thought he would. :)

  5. Mine don't.  I'm blonde, blue-eyed and have really light skin; my husband is cuban... he has jet-black hair, dark brown eyes and he gets pretty tan.  I figured our kids would be somewhere in the middle, with medium brown hair and "average" skin color.  But they didn't turn out that way!  They both got my really light skin, but dark, almost black hair.  It actually looks pretty cool, though!  People always comment on what a "striking" contrast it is.

  6. im black and mexican so i have brn skin and eyes and my husband is white so he is a blonde and blue eyes. we thought our son would look mixed but instead. he has blonde hair blue eyes! nobody believes that he came out of me!

  7. No. I thought my daughter would have little/no hair, and look exactly like her Dad since his genes seem to be so strong. My daughter was born with a full head of brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. She is a spitting image of me except she has her Dads eyes. My daughter is absolutley gorgeous and I never imagined her being as perfect as she is!

    Everyone thinks their own children are the cutest, sweetest, most precious child ever. No matter what, in your eyes, your child will be gorgeous.

  8. The whole time I was pregnant I tried to imagine what my son would look like. I have REALLY dark eyes so I assumed he would too. When I 1st saw him I was just amaazed. He was as perfect as I imaged, only..better. He looks like a little clone of his daddy though bright blue eyes and all! So yes and no to your just can't image what they will look like until you see their beautiful faces no matter what they will always be more perfect that you imagined!

  9. My son looks just like I thought he would.  Like his father.

    All through my pregnancy, I just knew exactly what he would look like, and when I saw him, I was shocked..his eyes were squinted, he had lots of straight hair, big chubby was crazy..I was like..umm..whose baby is this??..but after a few days, he started looking like I imagined.

    When he was 5 or 6, (his father and I broke up with he was 4) it still never bothered me that he looked so much like him, but now that he is older, I feel like I am cursed!  LOL--not only does he look just like him, his expressions and mannerisms are the same.

  10. I never really the about there looks only there health. They are beautiful kids i guess there features come from everyone in my family.

  11. I imagined a blonde mostly bald blue eyed baby for me and my husband.  I imagined so well I could see every detail of her.  When my daughter was born she looked hispanic. Dark hair everywhere, huge, exotic brown eyes, olive skin, a darling button nose nothing like mine, totally gorgeous baby.  I was very surprised.  Next, my son was born, he was much fairer than my daughter.  He had brown, but different eyes, different nose, and different hair.  Two big surprises.

    Then my third was born, I was so surprised, again.  She looked exactly like I had always pictured the nose, the blue eyes, the bald head, the smile.  I had come not to expect that though so it was the biggest surprise of all.    

    You just never know what kids will turn out to look like...  

  12. My daughter looks nothing like how I imagined.  She honestly looks like my husband and sister had a child together.  My husband and I both have dark hair and eyes.  My sister is blonde hair blue eyes.  My little girl looks remarkably like my husband but with my sisters complexion.

  13. Actually my oldest son pretty much looks like what i thought he would.  My mom told my exhusband when we first got back together that he could give her a grandbaby that looked like him and then leave and sure enough my oldest son was born looking pretty much like a clone of his father lol. Our youngest son I expected to look like his father as well but he came out looking like my mom lol  

  14. Im pregnant now and i always think about how my child will look!...but you'll never know until you meet them. i plan to get a 4d ultrasound to get a little sneak peak..

    oh i also try this you can put you and your partner pics together and see how your baby will look. its not a guarantee but its fun to do try it!

  15. I'm half Filipino, and half white. And I look Filipino. With an exception for my blue/green eyes. My daughters father is Italian. He has brown hair, and brown eyes. I thought she'd look just like me. I was wrong. The only physical features she has of mine are my eyes, and nose. So no nothing I imagined, but she's perfect.

  16. no, i thought my son would look like me, but all his features look like his father, oh well. he still adorable. lol.

  17. I never had a picture in my head...he was more gorgeous than I ever could have thought up.

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