
Do your kids say any words wrong but it's too cute to correct them?

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My son say 'nusic' instead of music and if something tastes really good or really bad he says it's 'belicious' or 'besgusting'!!!




  1. My name is Melanie and my little brother called me "Nelanie" until he was about 7.

  2. My daughter says rainbrella - she is three. I don't correct her, but in normal conversation I use the correct term, "umbrella".

  3. My daughter says "num-nee" for dummy.

                                   "wawer" for water

                                    "shee-ya" see-ya

                                    "charlert" chocolate

    And plenty more, we don't correct her, it'd be horrible to, she knows whats she's trying to say &we know what she's trying to say.Blimey I'm sure when she's no longer a toddler she'll have stopped baby babble lol

    I'd like to add that theres no need to correct our kids, all you do is make sure you use the right words for everything, for exaplme, she hears us say " do you want some water?" or "wheres your dummy?" , so she knows what the correct pronunciation is. Lets let them be kids for goodness sake.

  4. My kids both say Passketti instead of spaghetti

  5. I always correct my 5 year old if he makes a mistake.  How else are they going to learn?

  6. Hod -ilay rather than holiday.

    Ballenti for bracelet

  7. My son had a few and still has a few - Pooter was computer, ankulator was calculator, and if he wants me to sit next to him or wants to sit next to me he will say 'benext' instead of beside or next to. I think it is lovely! Also liked totoman which was tomato.

    It is something all kids do, and they do grow out of it in time. Some letters and words are hard for them to grasp, but they have a go anyway, with often amusing results. The main thing is they are trying - all part of speech development. While it may be an idea to repeat the word normally when you say it, the kids will eventually get it right. No need to push it or get annoyed with them every time they say thier own version. They get there in the end - just enjoy all the words (and write the best down - it is amazing how fast you forget them!).

  8. My youngest ( 2 years ) came out with 'hair poo' the other day instead of shampoo, i couldn't stop laughing which annoyed her so she told me to 'bop it' ( stop it in our language ) how cute! She also calls her big brother Bames instead of James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha lol.

  9. My son says Rumpy instead of Rugby. This was more because he misheard what his grandad said than mis-pron. So cute though.

    We've always corrected his speech carefully as to ensure he says the word correctly but does not feel as though he did something wrong.

    Eg. Look mam a rumpy ball.

    Me : Yes Tom, a rugby ball. Well done! Etc etc

    This has worked wonders as he does have an amazing vocab for a four year old. I'll always remember his little quirks even when he stops doing them, so there's no need to encourage.

  10. my daughter used to say "my said" instead of I said and my son says "montiner" instead of moniter.  My daughter also used to say "giraff-is" when she meant giraffes!

  11. my 2.5 yr old says 'puter' instead of computer, she calls our son 'dosh' instead of josh and 'dink' not drink and sneezes are called 'bless yous', i guess as thats what we say when she sneezes!!

  12. always correct him so that when he starts with sentence speaking he does not have a problem

  13. My friends little girl asked her dad what the water on the window was, then went to her mum, "look at the constipation on the window mummy"  

    haha, so cute

  14. my six year old still calls a "statue" a "snatchu" bless!

  15. My 3 year old's current is "stop stine" (stop sign), which he always has to point out when we're on the road. He gets corrected but I think he thinks it's a game now so he doesn't correct himself, even though he's totally capable of saying "sign". Just give me the "stop stine" with the huge smile and sometimes laughs. Ah well, kids lol

  16. It's cute, alright.  But you're not doing him any favors by encouraging the wrong pronunciations.  I'd start by repeating the words correctly whenever he uses them wrong, not emphasizing that he got it wrong, just letting him know you understood him.  If he doesn't start getting it right in a couple of months, then you can start to point out to him the difference between the way he is saying them , and the correct pronunciations.

  17. My daughter has a lot.

    Cause' = Croz

    Mommy = Mahr-mee

    Milk = Mulk.

    Toys? = Troyes?

    Cookie = Oohkie.

    &when she wants to be picked up, she used to say"uh-pee" now she says "pitchs" like "pick" but it sounds more like "b ! t. c h" lol.

    Its cute. There are a few more though.

  18. percuter (computer)

    woman chair (wooden chair)

    huggle (cuddle/hug)

    these are just a few which my daughter says, i think its cute but in time i hope she does grow out of it

  19. My mum didn't correct me when I said words incorrectly. It didn't do me any harm - I went to Uni etc and am now a qualified lawyer. On a day off today tho!!!

  20. A character in a certain movie is named Tow Mater, but a certain little boy insists its Maydar.

    Cute, and we have told him but he still insists. Sometimes I just tell him I'll remind him of that when he can read.

  21. My niece called me wuncle wyan =P it's cute so i don't want to correct her.

  22. My son used to say 'minga' for chewing gum, which should not be confused with 'mingas' (fingers)

  23. my son is in the process of being diagnosed with apraxia. He is 32 months old and has really only been talking for about 6 weeks. He says tons of cute things daily, but here are a few:

    cheeseberber =cheeseburger

    bluebabies= bluberries


    piderman tooter= spiderman scooter

    tody rays=cody ray



    aw-wald=oswald (his favorite cartoon)

    lissle beel= little bill (another fav)

    lissle face= little taste

    as long as I can understand him I don't correct him too much. I am just glad that he is attempting to say the words. When I talk to him I do not mispronounce the words, I say them correctly.

  24. It is really cute but I really think you should correct him, how else will he learn? It wont be so cute when he's 16!

  25. Lol, yeah - when mine were younger they said "button-bean" for belly button, and "firety" for fire engine. They also said "Fikin" for finger. It was too cute to change and they just grew out of it eventually. I wish I had recorded them now.

  26. Aw, your son's a little r****d, how cute!

  27. My son can't say 'properly' properly (he says 'ploply')!  Makes me laugh every time! Also my little girl calls Blu Tac 'Glue Tac' which is as good a name as any!

  28. Hayley (3.5 years) is a bit slower than her peers when it comes to speech but shes getting better.

    She says "ky reem" instead of "ice-cream"

  29. My 4-year-old still says "mouses" and it makes my heart melt.

    (And of course the rest of us say "mice" so I really don't think we're ruining her for life if we don't leap in and correct her every time she says it.  She hears it said often the correct way).

  30. my son says deuce meaning juice and ooh now, when he drops a toy by mistake.

  31. aww and yeh my lil cuz says comfty... its so sweet.

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