
Do your kids share brushes?

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ok at our house all of us girls share brushes. we just sort of have 3 or 4 thrown on the counter and whoever needs a brush grabs one and uses it. my friend said that's not sanitary but i figure since me and the youngest share a bed anyways it can't make much of a difference.

so long as no one has anything on their heads (ringworm, lice, etc.) is there really any harm in sharing the brushes? it seems like such a pain for each person to have their own and have to keep track of it.




  1. i say no harm at all sharing brushes its normal.. especially when its family..

  2. My boys did when I brushed and combed for them and when I was in a rush to get them ready for school I brought one toothbrush down and they shared that too one at a time while I got the others dressed!

    There is nothing wrong with Family members sharing at all.

  3. We have 6 brushes for 3 people?

    If they get lice just wash em out.

  4. My girls have one brush, used both for hair and for bottoms.

  5. i have 2 girls 3 and 5 plus my husband and we all use different hair brushes the 5 year old keeps picking up head lice we treat them they come back do rather than pass it on to all of use we all use separate brushes

  6. my daughter and i share the same brush. i dont see any problem.

    Nichola x*x

  7. when i was younger my family shared brushes...whats the worst that can happen??

    shes talking about hair brushes people!!

  8. It's a hairbrush. You're right, outside of lice and other parasites then there is nothing inherently unsanitary about sharing it.

    Some people are just more uptight about these things.  

  9. Yeah - me, hubby and son all share brushes.  I didn't know hair was so "unsanitary".

  10. It's all good...Myself,my 2 daughters and my son (when it's not Football or Wrestling Season when he has Hair) ALL use the SAME HAIRBRUSH....Ewwwwwwwwwwww...Oh NO NOT THE SAME HAIRBRUSH!!!   What is your Friend talking are FAMILY..You Share GERMS on a DAILY Basis! I have even been known to grab one of my Kids' TOOTHbrushes and use it one time when mine fell in the toilet!

  11. It's fine to share brushes at home.  If one of your children were to get lice, you'd still have to shampoo them all and treat your house anyway.  I grew up with four sisters, we always shared brushes.

  12. Well my 13 year old daughter has her own bathroom upstairs next to her bedroom with all her stuff in it so she has her own brush. My 5 & 4 year olds share a bathroom that i created when they were younger. My 5 & 4 year old share a brush. I assume their hair is sparkling clean [which it is, by the way] because they take a bath everyday. My 9 year old son doesn't use a comb, he just spikes it up in the morning.

  13. Its ok to do that I think most families do.

  14. we have 1 brush and everyone shares it. Why is that not okay. It is a hair brush. That is silly.

  15. My girls have different brushes and I have my own.  Only because the brushes are in their rooms, and mine is in my drawer in the bathroom.  When they are older (they are 2 and 7) maybe it will be different.

  16. That's seriously disgusting

  17. They are your kids and your family.

    There is nothing wrong with all of you sharing brushes,

    Like you said, Unless you all have something in your heads,

    & Like you said, if one catches it you all either have to be treated

    Or you all will catch it anyways.

    There is nothing wrong with what you are doing.

    If it was tooth brushes it would be a different story,

    But it isnt, so no worries.

    Just if you have guests, get another brush for them to use,

    In case they forget theirs, Or make sure they bring their own.

    Hope this helped.♥

    --KDM =]

  18. depends on how many kids. just 2 or 3 yes, but more you might want to buy 2 cus they may need them at the same time or somthing like that. and do not let them share if one of them has lice( of corse) hope this helps!

  19. we had 4 girls in the house and probably ten brushes that circulated through the house at a time so no I don't think that it's gross or unsanitary we are all well into our 20's and I haven't experienced any bad side effects. Tell your friends to butt out.

  20. I have 3 sisters and a brother, and we all shared brushes growing up.  

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