
Do your parents call you fat?

by  |  earlier

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or say that your a pig and gonna get really fat




  1. yes. oddly enough I wound up being the skinny one after a while. very skinny.

  2. well I'm not fat but I eat a lot and my big bro calls me a fat *** even though I'm not fat

  3. they called me fat in fourth grade.

    it must have had an effect on me.

    i lost a ton of wieght.

    now (years later) they accuse me of anorexia.

    i am disgusted by them

    it sounds like you have been though.

    it doesnt matter what they think.

    only what you think.

  4. yep. Fatty and Chubby are two of my nicknames

  5. my mom says youve been letting yourself go lately

    maybe you should try to be more active and eat healthier

    it seems mean but i really appreciate her input

    helps me to keep healthy and in shape!

  6. No my parent never called me fat. I was always skinny until my first child then my second. I tell my daughter that she has a belly and she needs to stop eating so much. She is 9 and weights about 90 pounds and all she ever does is eat and the only reason I say anything to her about it is because it is not health and the way society is today kids will only make fun of her. But no I do not tell her all the time just when we are talking about eating healthy.

  7. My parents never called me fat, but once when my grandma was fitting a jacket for me, she said, "well you might want to think about losing some pounds". and that hurt. my dad scolded her (awkward moment) but it hurt none the less. also sometimes my uncle called me fat, or "gorilla" or "monkey" but he teased me all the time so it didnt fase me. now here is advice on how to handle this: talk to a counselor at school, or elsewhere, if this teasing really affects you mentally. or you can talk to a trusted family member who does not tease you, to see their opinion. maybe they can talk to your mother for you, because what she is doing isn't very nice. lastly, if all else fails, simply talk to your mother yourself. explain that when she says these things, it really hurts you, and even though you may want to lose 10 pounds, she should stop saying these mean things. i wish the the best of luck, i hope i helped!

  8. ya they do :(

  9. My dad used to say stuff like that and crack jokes about me.  It hurt me more than he could have ever imagined.  It still bothers me to this day, 15 year later.

  10. no you must really be if your parents tell you

  11. no

  12. That is verbal and emotional abuse. Parents need to show their kids unconditional love no matter what size or shape they are. Your parents need a Dr. Phil session. I would never say that to my kids. Your parents may think they are going to keep you from getting overweight and unhealthy and unhappy but they're just as likely to seriously mess up your self-esteem. Try to talk to them. Say they're really hurting your feelings. If they don't stop, ignore them. You at least, sound like you've got a good head on your shoulders.

  13. nope

  14. no but my mom's phat :P  

    sucks for you  

  15. nahh

  16. I used to be then I ate in moderation and lost alot of weight

  17. no cause im already not fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  18. no, I'm actually thin:), but if your thinking of losing weight, do it healthy okay by exercising and maybe eating more healthier.

    By the way that's kind mean of your mom, no offense, just don't think that you are really really fat, because your probably not:).

  19. nope im in the army i stay in shape

  20. If they would have I would have told my mum .That she looks like an ogre.

  21. Nope I'm fit

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