
Do your parents go out without you?

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My mum usually works from 8am-4pm weekdays, so my sister and I get bored during the holidays. However, she had the whole week off this week, but said she was a bit low on cash. So, we went shopping for school stuff and had a picnic and went to an open air museum - nothing too exciting, but not costly.

However, today, on my mums last day off, my step-dad said he was taking her out for a couple of hours - fair enough...

That's until we find out that he took her shopping and bought her a load of new clothes, they went to the cinema to see "Kung-Fu-Panda" and then they went out for dinner, while me and my sister were left at home, bored ALL DAY and having to eat last nights left-overs for dinner.

They go out for dinner now and then with friends and I do understand they want some "alone time", but seriously? Would your parents go out and do this stuff without you? Knowing you would be bored all day?

My sister and I are 12 and 14 btw.




  1. why dont you just go out with your mates

    ur mum deserves to have a treat!

    dont be selfish.. my mum and step-dad go out sometimes and im glad to get some alone time to myself & im 14

  2. Grow up - you are only part of their lives - stop being so bl00dy selfish.

  3. Well they've taken care of you your whole life. and they took one day to themselves

    is that so wrong?

  4. I'm almost willing to stake money that they have no idea that you'd love to go to the cinema with them. I suggest you have a word with your step dad and let him know that you'd love to spend more 'family time' with him and your mum. say you don't want a lot spent on you. maybe the cinema or a museum. You might be very surprised at their reaction.

  5. the last time dad took mum out it was a surprise. they had been working all day and we had been left in all day, when it come to them going out he gave us £20 to order a film and order some food.  

  6. Your parents are entitled to a little alone time together, try and not be to hurt by them going and having a fun day together. It isn't their fault you were bored all day, you should have called up your friends to hang out with you.

  7. Do you honestly feel that they have done something wrong.  Put yourself in their place and I am sure you will see things a different way.

  8. I'm a mum and I would rather take my daughters out than my partner.  In fact, the best solution here would have been for you all to go out for a treat as a family.

  9. yah... my parents were the same way...

    unless it was a vacation... on vacation my siblings and I were treated like kings and queens... expensive dinners and a all that excitement...

    as far as everyday life they let us entertain ourselves.. and held on tight to their personal relationships.. had dates and all that.

    dont take it personally...

  10. What you're not realising is that parents spend most of their money on their kids all the time. You may not realise it, but they do. So they want to do something for themselves once in a while, they have the right to. There's nothing you can do to occupy yourselves if they are away? When I was younger, I loved it when my parents would leave the house to me, then I could run wild and do whatever I wanted!

    If you feel like you don't see them enough, talk to them, I'm sure they will understand and try to correct it if they see that it means that much to you. You might be surprised that they will actually listen to you if you talk to them about it.

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