I teach at a private school where the tuition is pretty high. For some reason, because the parents pay so much, they think everything that goes on in the school is their business.
I had a son two years ago, which is common knowledge among the parents at my school since I had to take maternity leave. Since I had my son, MANY parents have been inquiring about when my husband and I are having another child. I guess it wouldn't bother me so badly except that I lost a baby last year and have been trying to get pregnant with no luck ever since then. So many parents of my students have said, "Isn't it about time to give that little boy a brother or sister?"
I'm appalled at their audacity, but i haven't been able to think of anything to say back to them that expresses how rude I think their questioning is without being rude and unprofessional myself. As this next school year approaches, I know a whole new flood of questions will arise. Any suggestions?
Sorry if this was TMI.....