
Do your think that this school year has gone FAST?

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i mean it seems like just yesterday i was starting school now we're just 18 days from getting out for SUMMER




  1. heck yes! im going 2 b  SEVENTH GRADER!

  2. This year definitely went by fast. I think it is because I only have a couple more years of high school left, and it is going to go by very quickly!

  3. Omg I definentaly agree! I remember seeing all my friends again coming back from another school and starting 7th grade, now all I hear is my teachers saying ' your 5 weeks away from being 8th graders! Take some responsibility!! ' and it went by so fast!

    I really want to start 8th grade but I'm scared at the same time because i dont know who is going to be in my new classes:(

  4. TTLY

  5. Yeah, I have been thinking that too, I mean, it seems like only last week that school started. This year went by way too fast.

  6. Yes this year seemed the fastest and this year unlike my previous years I had never wished for the school year to end, wishing it would never end actually this is my funnest year and I have to move in the summer =(.

  7. you get out in 18 days? im jealous.

    yeah this is my junior year and we're done in like a month. i feel like high school has been about four seconds long instead of four years.

    i mean i'm taking the sat on saturday when i remember taking the high school placement test

  8. DUH IDK i;m not even in school but my cuz is and yeh

  9. VERY fast.

    Wow, you only have 18 days? We still have 29 (plus 3 days of exams)!

    The seniors get out tomorrow and graduate Sunday. I'm a junior so I've got a bit to go yet...

  10. Yea

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