
Do youu belive in Global Warming the Big Lie from AL Gore who flys around in his own privte jet who claimed to

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Every thing is Cyclical the stock Market, Housing and the earth we are now going into a cooliing perid Plus The Hubble Telescope ahows us Ice Caps are melting on Mars similar atomoshere to ours, yet no one lives there, also the hole in the ozone gets repaired on a daily basis, due to chorophyll and water on the earth if you frink polluted water you will die, Smog does not kill you, if you have inherited asthsma, it will effect you but they have come along way with curing Asthma.




  1. al is not a scientist. he is just a spokesman who wants to be a good spokesman about stuff, and you know these guys get there foot caught in their mouf once in awhile doing it.

    theres more involved with what our planet is doing than just right here on the land and sea and ppl/animals.

    outerspace can spank us any day and has more to say than anybody, and i suggest nobody has yet really fiqured out any of the universes 'weather', or flow..although we know it is real.

  2. Global warming is happening, it also happened in Holocene epoch (12,000 BC) and the Climatic Optimum (8500 to 3000 BC) and between 2000 to 1500 BC and between 750 BC to 150 BC and Little Climatic Optimum (900 to 1200AD) and since 1850.

    Global Cooling also occurs and the last great cooling was 1550 to 1850 (know as the little ice age).

    The problem is not what is said by the global warming alarmists but how it is said. A lot of the information used is reductionist and was designed to prove the argument. Using the information supplied by alarmist you can prove that a human walking 3 miles produces more CO2 than a car doing the same journey.

    Smog can and has been know to kill. During the victorian times Smogs killed thousands of people, mainly the young, ill and old. The last great killer smog was in 1952 killimg 4000 people. Deaths in most cases during the Great Smog were due to respiratory tract infections from hypoxia (low level of oxygenation of blood) due to mechanical obstruction of the air passages by pus arising from lung infections caused by the smog. The lung infections were mainly bronchopneumonia or acute purulent bronchitis superimposed upon chronic bronchitis.

  3. Whew, thank god there is a cooliing perid, and that the Hubble ahowed us that. I'll have to remember not to frink polluted water, because I can see the effect it is having on your learning abilities. Might I recommend "Check Spelling" for your next rant. It will go a long way toward making you look older than 11.

  4. Sorry, but you are wrong. Not only that but you have made 9 spelling mistakes in your question which makes me think that you will not be able to understand a subject as complicated as global warming. Plus you compared global warming to the stock market and housing. Both of these are 'man made' and Smog does kill. etc etc.

  5. The global warming "religion" is only followed by ignorant atheists who have somehow gotten it into their heads that the earth is some kind of god to be worshiped.  And for those of you who claim to believe in god AND global warming, you're kidding yourself.  Nobody believes you anyway so get over yourselves and stop and THINK, just for a second: Show me a SINGLE, SOLITARY PROOF that global climate change is caused by carbon dioxide emissions (something that occurs naturally anyway...they're called trees) or any other man-made device.  Trouble is, you can't.  Because there has yet to this day been a verifiable cause for so-called "climate change."  Of course, godless liberals want to unite the world under the false religion of climate change so they can continue to wreak havoc on the global economy with their idiotic legislation.  How ARROGANT can you people be?  So arrogant as to think that humans could actually "destroy" the earth?  Give us a break, will ya!  This whole debate is just sickening.

  6. Hi,

    It is true . We should pay attention to  our great earth. Even if it means picking up a piece of litter.  


  7. I dont beleve in globel warming. I think every thing run on a

    cycle we have had the coldest winter this year than we have

    had in 16 years.

  8. Dear Carole,

      You are right when you say that there is no conclusive evidence on global warming. But what harm does it do to pollute less, to ensure our rivers our clean and our forests and wild life are intact. Dont do it for Al Gore ... do it for yourself or for your kids. (Even if they may not be born as yet). Should we wait for the day when the ozone hole stops filling, when tigers and other animals have disappeard to start acting. No right. So time to act.

  9. I don't believe Big Al. And any answer that has a list of people who they believe, only believe them because they have the same views.

  10. I, too, don't believe Al Gore.  What does he know about science?

    But I do believe these guys:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    They ALL say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

  11. You seem a little radical to me.  Like a tree hugging hippie only in reverse.  "Smog does not kill you."  True statement but don't you feel like we would be better of without it?  I'm still on the fence about global warming.  I used to believe in it but the more I learn it doesn't seem to hold as much water.  But point being,  is having a cleaner planet such a terrible thing?  Lighten up a little.  It makes life a lot easier.  Daily life has enough stress as it is.  Take care

  12. Right now Al has little reason to lie to us about anything.He is not nor likely will not run for office again. He can also afford to pay his own way on a jet. Plus I bet he spends little time sight-seeing, he doesn't look that tan to me. Just look at the massive coral bleaching and the death of all the creatures that depend on it. Some say it is a natural cycle, but within the course of 100 years, I don't think so! The nay-sayers simply don't want to car pool and get rid of their big "manly" vehicles. They want their easy way of life and f*** the future children.  Also, your comment on asthma has infuriated me, just recently, they made it so that (I believe they're called PFCs cannot now be used in inhalers) , they're bad for the ozone, yet ppl use hairsprays, gasoline, etc. and no one is stopping that yet. What this means is the inhalers I use now seem like they're bunk, fake, and my doc said others have said the same thing. This has ruined my mobility, I can no longer take a 1 oz. container to save my life, it's a bulky over 10 pound machine and I can't afford the battery operated unit. I can't go camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, climbing, hiking, cave exploring, or a lot of things I want to do because of this. I promise not to talk about diabetes, leukemia, etc. if you promise not to speak of asthma again. I'm not angry at you, only ignorance.

  13. global warming is real. is it man caused? i dont think so given as much evidence that shows the earth has been much warmer in the past. also given the evidence that mars is also warming, and since man isnt there to emit "greenhouse gases", we cant be blamed for that. until such time as science fully understands the machinations of global climate change, we cant truly say for sure that man has caused the current round of global climate change.

    one more thing to consider, if global warming was really a major problem, and it was truly man caused, then the kyoto protocalls, and the last round of global warming talks in bali would not have concentrated on forcing developed countries to cut back on carbon emissions output while allowing developing countries to emit all they want. and if al gore truly believed there was a problem, i doubt he would cruise around in his private jet, and waste all the energy he does on a daily basis.

    besides a warmer climate allow for more food production due to longer growing seasons, and more fertile land available for growing crops on. it is also easier to handle warmer weather than colder weather.

  14. I believe that we are the cause of some the global warming although not all of it I believe we are in a cycle and it is happening because of this cycles we are just assisting the cycles to act more dramatically. It is sometimes hard to agree against Al though because of the evidence from the past these shifts have happened in the past just not the speed it is happening now

  15. people "believe" in god, or "believe" that people are inherently good (as i do)... you can't "believe" in fact, it simply is. people don't "believe" in gravity, wind, the sun... or global warming. they are scientifically supported, and thus fact. your choice not to "believe" in global warming is more likely politically influenced and/or just plain selfish/ignorant.

  16. "Global warming" may or may not be happening and it may or may not be caused, to an insignificant extent,  by our activities. Either way, nothing that we in the west do will have the slightest effect on it. It is very convenient for our rotten politicians though, because it gives them an excuse to steal even more of our money by imposing "environmental taxes" - useless except for giving them more money to squander on crackpot policies (and of course, on themselves and their buddies!). Forget "global warming" and get on with your life.

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