
Do ypu feel that the all blacks rugby union team, abuse the integration and assimilation rules by picking all?

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the best players from the south sea islands. i personally feel that you should only be allowed to represent the country of your birth. if this was the case who do you think would rule the rugby world




  1. With Auckland (and the rest of NZ) receiving so many Polynesian immigrants, obviously some will be great rugby players.  

    Should a man who was born in NZ of Samoan parents, or came there as a child from Tonga, not be allowed to play for NZ?  Even if NZ was the country where he holds citizenship, grew up, learned rugby, etc?  How many All Blacks were recruited from the islands for rugby purposes?  Maybe a few, but most found themselves in the country for entirely unrelated reasons (i.e. their parents wanted better opportunities).

    One might think that you are a bit racist in suggesting that these players are not real New Zealanders.  

    You might as well ask why countries like Samoa have so many players on their team who were born and raised (and play all their rugby) in New Zealand.

    As for the country of birth, would you have forbidden Serge Blanco from playing for France?  Would you have said that he should play for the country that his parents abandoned when he was two years old?  (Venezuela)  On the same note, though he wasn't a rugby player, my grandfather moved from Italy to the United States when he was about that age.  He grew up here, went to school here, married a woman who was born here, fought a war for the United States, and fathered four American children.  I would like to have seen you try to tell him that he wasn't a "real" American because he spent a couple of his earliest years in Italy.

    That said, I do dislike the use of players who immigrate to a country as adults for rugby purposes.  Italy and Japan are two very bad examples of that.

  2. ********.  Name a top tier team with all there players originally from the country they're playing for.  I watched Kiwi's & Aussies playing for Scotland & Ireland this weekend so I don't think there is any need for you to single out New Zealand for any special treatment.  To answer your question... New Zealand.  You dont think they can pull together a starting 15 with out any Pacific Islanders?

  3. Yes you have a point but with Auckland having the biggest Polynesian base in the world it is hard to do.  What would you do if someone wanted to play for the All Blacks as opposed to Samoa, Fiji, Tonga.  They are paid better and know that they will get better training facilities, the infra structure is better and they would be playing for a better team with a higher success rate.  Some of them have lived in New Zealand all there lives so would it seem unfair to cut them off.  

    Morally if they wanted to make World Rugby stronger they would be going to lengths to try and help out the smaller nations but they are singular in there response look after     No 1.  Create better tournaments for the smaller nations and help establish them by letting them use there facilities and aid them financially so that they can a least have some kind of parity with the bigger countries.  Yes don't poach there players.  Its resources and money that they need to establish a better rugby team.

  4. I don't think they abuse the "rules" as such, but indeed gathering of all the better players from the South Sea islands for many seem a bit "bending the rules".

    What can you do in a winner takes all world. After all NZ doesn't have the luxury in population numbers to do wonders.

    In a perfect world NZ will be a "very good" team and many a trophies will be won by more populous nations. Many a talented ruggerites will be playing for some obscure team. Losing out on many benefits and probably denying us, the spectators, a chance to enjoy this beautiful game.

    You can go on like this but think it'll be just a waste of time.

    A perfect world doesn't exist.

  5. Hey, Red Dog. Every single Springbok of the 30 that are going to the world cup are 100% South-African. Born and bred. No Bullshit.

  6. Wants to Know more about Rugby

  7. New Zealand has always had a history of being great at rugby - with or without Pacific Island players.  Plus, we aren't the only country that uses Pacific Island players - Australia does as well.

    Before a player can play for the All Blacks they need to have played at club and provincial level, so it's not like they have just been snapped up from the islands and immediately placed in the all blacks.  They have shown their worth, and played at lower levels first.

    Also, if a player plays for a national team overseas, they are automatically  not allowed to play for a different countries national team.

    Don't penalise the players for wanting the best for their career.

    Also, tournaments like the Pacific Rugby Cup and the Churchill Cup have been specifically designed for testing and investing in smaller rugby nations.

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