
Do zoos actually hire zoology Ph.D.s?

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I am a senior in college majoring in Biology and Chemistry. I was previously planning on going to dental school, so my grades are high enough to get into almost any Ph.D. program. I want to work with animals for the rest of my life and I am looking for a new career path that includes animals. I can't be a Vet because I don't want to see sick animals (I can't even watch animal cops without crying). I love science, so I was thinking I could go into a Zoology Ph.D. program, but I don't want to JUST do research. I'd love research, but I want to be around animals, too. Another thing, money is important to an extent. I want to own a farm and have lots of animals, so I need a salary to support that dream. Could someone with a Zoology Ph.D. give me some insight on their career options?




  1. Getting a PhD is unnecessary for most fields outside of academics and research.  While zoos do hire some PhD zoologists, they are generally hired for conservation/genetic research.  What zoos usually want is a person with experience and education in animal care, training, and handling.  The kind of thing you would get with a degree in wildlife care.

    My suggestion is that you go to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums webpage of job listings (, find some jobs that you would be interested in, and look at what they expect applicants to have for credentials.  You can probably also get a good idea of what salaries are like so you can judge if you'll be able to support your farm plans.

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