
Doc put my wife on tramadol 3 years ago we want off and need alternates?

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my wife had leg surgery both legs had very bad veins the surgery did"nt help and the doc put her on we need to look for alternate products or other means to control the pain please help.




  1. Typical..Tramadol for pain....I did my own research and now my Mom can walk no joke.The trick is cortisone shots.Just a couple and wa la.

  2. Why isn't your doctor looking for alternatives?  Tramadol has always worked the best for me.  I would talk to the doc, if he isn't helpful find another.

  3. i do understand wanting to get off of a habit forming med, but chances are, if she has been on it for 3 years,  i would contact your doctor. tramadol can cause drug dependence,addiction and with drawl symptoms.  there are 2 other brand names--ultracet and ultram. they are both in the same group as tramadol.

    i know there is alternatives out there, but only your doctor will be able to safely move you off of this drug and onto another that works just as well.

    your Doctor should not give any problems ,switching to another method, is always available.

  4. Read this website to make sure she is not having other problems from mineral depleation from being in pain for so long.

    Is your wife constipated now that she has been on this medication for so long? Im talking about her going to BM every day.  Pain meds will always stop working if her body starts malfunctioning ... which will also happen because your on pain pills for to long.

    Iron deficency test: Go to the mirror and pull your lower eyelid and see if the color is red or flesh color. If its flesh colored you are lacking enough iron and should take a herbal iron like Floradix. It will take a month to see a difference. Iron carrys oxygen in your blood and if you dont have it you will feel tired, cold hands and feet, headaches, RLS, dull brittle hair, brittle nails, poor sleep, pale skin (see thru), shortness of breath, fatigue, poor concentration, low mood, ringing in the ears, irregular heart beats, cracks in the corner of the mouth, dizziness, fainting, sore tongue and canker sores. Add b12 and folic acid for best results

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