
Docters!!help please!! 10 pts.?

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does anyone know what this is for??

prednisolone sod phos?? someone help!





  2. It is a corticosteroid.

    An analogue of cortisone, which is produced in your adrenal glands and is involved in your stress response, among many other things.

    Steroids like this (NOT the same as the anabolic ones baseball players use) are used in the treatment of a variety of "inflammatory" conditions.  This could be asthma, or rheumatoid arthritis for a couple of common examples.  There are lots of other uses.

    Long term use is associated with all kinds of problems, llike thinning of the skin, brittle bones, and redistribution of the fat in your body.  It also will suppress your immune response and make you more prone to infection.

    It is a powerful drug and has many uses, but needs to be used carefully by people who know what they are doing. (ie...not most of the people who hang out in AM)

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