
Doctor's Exam?

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My 11 year old daughter (not the same as my 12 year old daughter) has an exam coming up with the doctor. This is a new doctor and he recently sent out a letter letting us sort of know what to expect. He said that she would probably have to take her shirt off for part of the exam, but didn't specify on it. I trust him and everything...that's not the issue. See, my daughter only wears those sports bras.....and only wears them occasionally. She wears them school and cheer practice (because she takes her shirt off). Otherwise, she doesn't really wear a bra because she doesn't really need to. My question is, for the exam, would the doc need to see her b*****s too? If he needs to see them for whatever reason, I'll just tell my daughter not to wear a bra, because it would just come off anyway at the doctor office. If he doesn't need to her b*****s, I would like her to wear a bra. What do you think? Would he need to see her b*****s? Sorry, this is kind of a weird question. Thank you, though!




  1. Well, at her age, he might want to take a quick look, just so he can judge where she is with regards to physical maturation, but it won't be a breast exam like us older women get.  Also, a sports bra might get in the way a bit if he is checking her back for curvature of the spine, etc.

    If I were her, I wouldn't wear a bra, and would just wear a loose t-shirt.  They'll probably give her a little smock or something to cover herself with, and they will be discreet so she isn't embarrassed.  She  won't have to sit there starkers waiting for someone to come in and stare at her!

  2. Maybe when he check's her heart rate... I'd go with the bra

  3. well idk about your doctor but I did have to take off my bra and she just felt for bumps and such thought the gown... you of course leave your under ware on and they check for abnormalities there also.... a lot of touching... they don't actually look... well for me my Doc didn't

    the diff is I have a girl doctor and they leave the room until you get the gown on.... I'm 15 and I still like my mom in there because I really don't listen to the doctor or what they have to say..... and if i do I'll forget so yeah

    It's not at all a weird question.. I was concerned when I was her age and it turned out fine. i would say go with the bra since your doc may do things different... what if they don't give a gown and she's left with her shirt off and no bra(that could be embarrassing).... better safe then sorry.

  4. I would assume not unless she is having a problem with them...the nurse will let her know if she can leave her bra on for the exam, if not its perfectly okay to ask the female nurse to remain with you're daughter during her exam...some doctors actually perfer it!   best idea is probably to tell her leave the bra on unless she is asked otherwise, and not to be afraid to ask the nurse to stay if her bra needs to come off

  5. Maybe, but I wouldn't think so, all he'd have to do is, read her chart, then she could wear her sports bra, because that may give a complex, especially with a new doctor she doesn't know, you could suggest that a breast exam is needed for whatever reason you would like his nurse to do it, because she could do it, and report back to him, and your daughter's self esteem would stay intact, does that sound reasonable?

  6. YA, sometimes they doctor has to feel them and check for any kind of lumps or anything that can be unmoral. Its very natural for a doctor to do this. Don't be worried and think that the doctor is touching her in a wrong way he's just doing his job!

  7. He might need to see how her b*****s are developing.  If she wants to wear the bra, let her do it, it's no different than you wearing one, if she needs to take it off, they will tell her.  I would suggest you be in the room during the exam, your daughter may not like it, but I had a doctor when I was 12-13 that used to make me take my shirt off for everything.... ear infections, sore throat, you name it.  You just need to make sure he's not some kind of perv, especially since he's a new doc.  Once you have seen him a few times and see that he's ok, you can let her go in alone if she wants, but make sure she knows to tell you if he does something weird.  Personally, I would go in with her all the time, just for the simple fact that I remember how I was at that age, I never paid attention to what the doc was saying, so when I came out and mom asked what he said about whatever illness I had, it was just "I don't know...."  That frustrated mom to no end.

  8. I'm not sure that he would have to, but I would have her wear the sports bra just in case.  I know that if I were that age and the doctor had me take off my shirt that I would feel more comfortable if I had some sort of coverage.  Of course, I would also want to be prepared that he might have to take off my shirt so it wouldn't be such a surprise.

  9. Have her wear a sports bra underneath her t-shirt. That way, if the sports bra needs to come off as well, she can take it off. In any case, I wore sports bras all the time, and aside from when my gyno was checking for lumps, I never needed to take it off - the doc would just slide the stethoscope under it if he needed to listen.
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